Fifty-sixth Legislature

Second Regular Session

House:  ED DPA 10-0-0-0

HB 2039: provisional community colleges; accreditation; oversight

Sponsor: Representative Cook, LD 7

Caucus & COW


Allows a provisional community college district (CCD) to maintain a regional accreditation and oversight relationship with another postsecondary institution, rather than only another CCD.


A CCD may be organized for a single county, two or more contiguous counties or an existing CCD and contiguous counties that are not part of any CCD. The proposed CCD must meet outlined minimum net assessed valuation and population requirements to organize (A.R.S. § 15-1402). However, if a proposed CCD does not meet these requirements, statute allows for the formation of a provisional CCD. A provisional CCD is not subject to the minimum net assessed valuation and population requirements and must contract with an existing CCD to provide instructional and student services within the provisional CCD. A provisional CCD may not award degrees, certificates or diplomas (A.R.S. § 15-1409). There are two  provisional CCDs: Gila and Santa Cruz.

To organize from a provisional CCD to a CCD, a provisional CCD must: 1) have been operating in the county for at least five years; 2) have a most recent full-time equivalent student enrollment of at least 450; 3) be actively seeking accreditation from a regional accrediting agency; 4) schedule public meetings to discuss the conversion; 5) adopt a resolution to form a CCD and call an election to increase the primary property tax levy; 6) maintain a regional accreditation and oversight relationship with another CCD until the conversion of the provisional CCD to an independent CCD; and 7) maintain a regional accreditation and oversight relationship with another CCD until initial candidacy status from a regional accrediting agency is achieved (A.R.S. § 15-1402.01).


1.   ☐ Prop 105 (45 votes)	     ☐ Prop 108 (40 votes)      ☐ Emergency (40 votes)	☐ Fiscal NoteModifies the requirements for the alternative organization of a CCD by requiring a  provisional CCD to maintain a regional accreditation and oversight relationship with another postsecondary institution, rather than only another CCD. (Sec. 1)

2.   Defines postsecondary institution as:

a)   an accredited CCD;

b)   an Arizona public university; or

c) a licensed private postsecondary educational institution. (Sec. 1)

3.   Makes a conforming change. (Sec. 1)


Committee on Education

1.   Adds an emergency clause.



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5.                     HB 2039

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