ARIZONA HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVESFifty-sixth Legislature Second Regular Session |
HB 2311: schools; enrollment preference; armed forces
Sponsor: Representative Grantham, LD 14
Committee on Education
Adds that a charter school or school district may give enrollment preference to the children of a U.S. Armed Forces member who is on active duty or was killed in the line of duty.
A charter school must enroll all eligible pupils unless there is insufficient capacity. Enrollment preference must be given to pupils who are returning to the charter school or who are the siblings of enrolled pupils. Statute allows a charter school to give enrollment preference to children in foster care or who qualify as unaccompanied youth. Finally, charter schools may give enrollment preference to and reserve capacity for pupils who: 1) are children, grandchildren or legal wards of specified individuals associated with the charter school or its governing body or charter holder; or 2) attended another charter school or who are the siblings of a student who attended another charter school that meets prescribed criteria (A.R.S. § 15-184).
School district governing boards must implement open enrollment policies regarding the enrollment of resident transfer, resident and nonresident pupils (A.R.S. § 15-816). A school district must enroll at any time any resident pupils who apply. Statute also requires school districts to give enrollment preference to and reserve capacity for: 1) resident pupils; 2) returning pupils; and 3) siblings of enrolled pupils. Enrollment preference may be given to children who: 1) are in foster care; 2) qualify as unaccompanied youth; or 3) attend a school that is closing. Finally, school districts may give enrollment preference to and reserve capacity for: 1) the children of school district employees; 2) resident transfer pupils and their siblings; and 3) pupils who meet additional criteria established by the school district governing board (A.R.S. § 15-816.01).
1. Authorizes a charter school to give enrollment preference to and reserve capacity for the children of a U.S. Armed Forces member who is on active duty or was killed in the line of duty. (Sec. 1)
2. Allows a school district to give enrollment preference to the children of a U.S. Armed Forces member who is on active duty or was killed in the line of duty. (Sec. 2)
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6. HB 2311
7. Initials CH/RP Page 0 Education
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