Fifty-sixth Legislature

Second Regular Session

House: APPROP DP 10-7-0-0

HB 2372: Graham rehabilitation center; uses; nonlapsing

Sponsor: Representative Diaz, LD 19

Caucus & COW


Exempts an existing appropriation for the Graham County Rehabilitation Center from lapsing and expands eligible uses of that appropriation.


The FY 2024 general appropriations act included a state General Fund appropriation of $830,000 to the Department of Economic Security for distribution to the Graham County Rehabilitation Center (Laws 2023, Ch. 133). A footnote specified $800,000 of that appropriation is to be used to remodel the Center's facilities in Safford while the remaining $30,000 is to be used for an afterschool program.

With narrow exceptions, no new obligation or expenditure may be incurred from an appropriation once the fiscal year specified in the appropriation ends. One month after the start of a new fiscal year, unspent appropriations from the prior year lapse and the monies return to the fund from which they were appropriated (A.R.S. § 35-190).


1.   ☐ Prop 105 (45 votes)	     ☐ Prop 108 (40 votes)      ☐ Emergency (40 votes)	☐ Fiscal NoteAllows $800,000 of the existing appropriation for the Graham County Rehabilitation Center to be used to remodel facilities in Willcox, in addition to Safford. (Sec. 1)

2.   Exempts the full $830,000 appropriation from lapsing through June 30, 2025. (Sec. 1)



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6.                     HB 2372

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