ARIZONA HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVESFifty-sixth Legislature Second Regular Session |
HB 2400: school safety program; proposals
Sponsor: Representative Gress, LD 4
Committee on Education
Makes several modifications to the School Safety Program (Program), including expanding the costs supported by the Program and establishing a process for alternative Program proposals. Exempts school building blueprints and floor plans from public records.
The Program supports the costs of placing school resource officers (SROs), juvenile probation officers (JPOs), school counselors and school social workers on school campuses. A school district or charter school may apply to the Arizona Department of Education (ADE) to participate in the Program for up to three fiscal years and, if approved to participate, annually submit a modified spending plan for its approved program.
When applying to participate in the Program, a school district or charter school must submit a proposal with a detailed description of school safety needs and, if the school district or charter school previously participated in the Program, information on the success and implementation of the most recent Program grant. A Program proposal for an SRO or JPO must also include a plan for a law-related education program and a plan to use trained SROs or JPOs. A Program proposal for a school social worker or school counselor must include a plan for implementing a school guidance and counseling program that includes prescribed information regarding the role and duties of these individuals.
ADE must review and administer Program proposals in cooperation with specified entities and individuals depending on the positions funded. Additionally, ADE, subject to the review and approval by the State Board of Education, must distribute monies to school districts and charter schools whose Program proposals are approved (A.R.S. § 15-154).
Program Proposals for School Safety Officers (SSOs) and School Psychologists
1. Expands the costs supported by the Program to include:
a) SSOs;
b) school psychologists; and
c) the costs of purchasing safety technology, safety training and infrastructure improvement for school campuses. (Sec. 1)
2. Subjects a Program proposal for supporting the costs of placing SROs, JPOs or SSOs to the same current statutory Program proposal requirements. (Sec. 1)
3. Adds that a Program proposal for supporting the costs of placing SROs, JPOs or SSOs must contain a plan to train these officers on the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act, civil rights and adolescent mental health issues. (Sec. 1)
4. Subjects a Program proposal for supporting the costs of placing school counselors, school social workers or school psychologists to the same current statutory Program proposal requirements. (Sec. 1)
5. Applies dispute resolution process requirements for a school district or charter school that received an SRO grant to a school district or charter school that received an SSO grant. (Sec. 1)
6. Requires ADE to adopt a school mental health professionals guidance manual that incorporates a multidisciplinary safety approach and is consistent with the parents' bill of rights. (Sec. 1)
7. Instructs ADE to cooperate with specified individuals to allow a law enforcement agency to assign an individual who as previously employed as a peace officer in Arizona and who retired in good standing to participate in the Program. (Sec. 1)
8. Defines school psychologist to mean a school-based mental health provider who holds a valid school psychologist certificate issued by ADE. (Sec. 1)
9. Modifies the definition of SRO to include an individual who:
a) was previously employed as a peace officer in Arizona;
b) retired in good standing; and
c) is assigned to participate in the Program by a law enforcement agency. (Sec. 1)
10. Defines SSO as an SRO who is working in an off-duty capacity. (Sec. 1)
Alternative Program Proposals
11. Permits a school district or charter school whose Program proposal was approved but who cannot place an SRO, JPO or SSO to submit an alternative Program proposal for supporting the costs of purchasing safety technology, safety training and infrastructure improvements for school campuses. (Sec. 1)
12. Details the information that must be included in an alternative Program proposal submitted by a school district or charter school. (Sec. 1)
13. Directs ADE to review and administer the safety technology, safety training and infrastructure improvements Program proposals. (Sec. 1)
14. Specifies ADE must use relevant crime statistics to assess the needs of each alternative Program proposal and may visit school districts and charter schools to verify the information in the alternative Program proposal. (Sec. 1)
15. Authorizes ADE to approve all or part of a safety technology, safety training or infrastructure improvement Program proposal. (Sec. 1)
16. Includes approved alternate Program proposals in Program reporting requirements for ADE. (Sec. 1)
17. Exempts school building blueprints and floor plans from public records and public records requests. (Sec. 3)
18. Makes technical and conforming changes. (Sec. 1, 2)
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