ARIZONA HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVESFifty-sixth Legislature Second Regular Session |
2426: technical correction; traffic violations
S/E: off-highway vehicle; temporary registration
Sponsor: Representative Cook, LD 7
Committee on Transportation & Infrastructure
Summary of the Strike-Everything Amendment to HB2426
Allows the Arizona Department of Transportation (ADOT) to issue a temporary general use registration to a nonresident for an off-highway vehicle that is titled in another state and meets the requirements of statute regulating off-highway vehicles.
Instead of permanent registration, ADOT may issue a temporary general use registration that allows a person to operate a vehicle for no more than 30 days (30-day registration). The Director of ADOT (Director) may authorize the issuance of a 30-day registration if someone does not qualify for other special registrations including a nonresident drive out registration, a nonresident daily commuter registration or a special registration permit for foreign motor vehicles.
A person operating a vehicle with a 30-day registration is required to comply with the mandatory motor vehicle insurance requirements outlined in statute. ADOT prescribes the content and form of the 30-day registration application. The owner or operator of the vehicle is required to display the 30-day registration so that it is clearly visible from outside the vehicle. At the time of application, the applicant must submit proper evidence of ownership or authorized possession of the vehicle.
The registration fee for a 30-day registration is $15. The registering officer is required to deposit $1 of the fee in the County Assessor's Special Registration Fund if the assessor is the registering officer or in the State Highway Fund if the Director is the registration officer. The registration officer cannot issue more than one 30-day registration for a vehicle in a 12 month period (A.R.S. § 28-2003, 2156).
Authorizes ADOT to issue a
30-day registration to a nonresident who owns an off-highway vehicle that is
titled in another state and otherwise meets the requirements of statute
relating to off-highway vehicles. (Sec. 1)
2. Specifies that the registering officer may issue more than one 30-day registration in a 12-month period for a nonresident's off-highway vehicle. (Sec. 1)
3. Defines off-highway vehicle as an off-highway vehicle that:
a) is designed primarily for recreational nonhighway all-terrain travel;
b) is 80 or fewer inches in width;
c) has an unladen weight of 2,500 pounds or less;
d) travels on four or more nonhighway tires;
e) has a steering wheel for steering control;
f) has a rollover protective structure; and
g) has an occupant retention system. (Sec. 1)
4. Makes technical and conforming changes. (Sec. 1)
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8. HB 2426
9. Initials JB Page 0 Transportation & Infrastructure
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