ARIZONA HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVESFifty-sixth Legislature Second Regular Session |
House: HHS DP 6-3-0-1 |
HB 2503: SNAP; waivers; exemptions
Sponsor: Representative Biasiucci, LD 30
House Engrossed
Prohibits the Arizona Department of Economic Security (DES) from seeking, applying, accepting or renewing any waiver of work requirement for able-bodied adults without dependents unless it is required by federal law or authorized by state law.
The Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) is a federal program that provides nutrition benefits to low-income individuals and families that are used at stores to purchase food. Individuals must apply in the state in which they currently live and meet certain requirements. DES receives and reviews applications of eligible recipients for SNAP benefits.
Federal law prohibits an individual from participating in SNAP as a member of any household if, during the preceding 36-month period, the individual received SNAP benefits for not less than 3 months (consecutive or otherwise) during which the individual did not:
1) work 20 hours or more per week, averaged monthly;
2) participate in and comply with the requirements of a work program for 20 hours or more per week, as determined by the state agency;
3) participate in and comply with the requirements of a workfare program or a comparable program established by a state or political subdivision of a state; or
4) receive federal benefits.
Additionally, on request of a state agency and with the support of the state's chief executive officer, the U.S. Secretary of Agriculture (Secretary) may waive the applicability of certain work requirements for SNAP to any group of individuals in the state if the Secretary makes a determination that the area in which the individuals reside has an unemployment rate of over 10% or does not have a sufficient number of jobs to provide employment for the individuals (7 U.S.C. § 2015(o)(4)).
Additionally, for FYs 2020 through 2023, a state agency may provide a number of exemptions such that the average monthly number of exemptions in effect during the fiscal year does not exceed 12% of the number of covered individuals in the state, as estimated by the Secretary, adjusted by the Secretary to reflect changes in the state's caseload and the Secretary's estimate of changes in the proportion of members of households that receive SNAP benefits covered by waivers (7 U.S.C. § 2015 (o)(6)(E)).
2. Forbids DES from exercising the state's option to provide any exemptions from the federal work requirement unless authorized by state law. (Sec. 1)
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