ARIZONA HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVESFifty-sixth Legislature Second Regular Session |
HB 2581: physical presence; resident
Sponsor: Representative Gillette, LD 30
Committee on Government
Outlines requirements relating to a resident having physical presence in Arizona.
Current statute establishes various residency requirements in order to qualify for different programs or licenses. In order to be a qualified elector in the state of Arizona an individual must be a resident of this state for 29 days prior to the election (A.R.S. § 16-101). For vehicle registration, a resident is defined as a person who remains in this state for an aggregate period of seven months or more during a calendar year (A.R.S. § 28-2001).
1. Establishes that a resident is an individual who has actual physical presence in Arizona for at least 181 days with the intent to remain. (Sec. 1)
2. States that residency applies only to:
a) property tax purposes;
b) vehicle registration pursuant to statute; and
c) voter registration pursuant to statute. (Sec. 1)
3. Authorizes the county assessor, Director of the Arizona Department of Transportation and the county recorder to establish a physical presence requirement of less than 181 days if the individual demonstrates an intent to remain by providing evidence of any of the following:
a) employment;
b) purchase of residential property;
c) rental of residential property;
d) purchase of real property for residential purposes;
e) the enrollment of the individual or individual's children in a school district or charter school; or
f) active duty military service member identification. (Sec. 1)
Directs Legislative Council
staff to prepare proposed conforming legislation for consideration in the
Fifty-seventh Legislature, First Regular Session. (Sec. 2)
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8. HB 2581
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