Fifty-sixth Legislature

Second Regular Session


HB 2628: department of environmental quality; omnibus

Sponsor: Representative Griffin, LD 19

Committee on Natural Resources, Energy & Water


Modifies provisions relating to several programs administered by the Arizona Department of Environmental Quality (ADEQ).


ADEQ is responsible for a variety of state and federal programs related to air quality, water quality, solid waste management and hazardous waste disposal and underground storage tank regulation. ADEQ shares responsibility for federal programs that have been delegated to the state by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) including the Clean Air Act, the Safe Drinking Water Act, the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System program and the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act program (Title 49 and SOS).

The Small Drinking Water Systems Fund (Fund) consists of legislative appropriations. The Fund provides grants to operators and owners of public water systems that serve 10,000 or fewer persons. It provides information and assistance to improve compliance with drinking water system standards and provides grants to small water systems for infrastructure repair (A.R.S. § 49-355).

ADEQ's Monitoring Assistance Program was established to help public water systems comply with monitoring requirements of the federal Safe Drinking Water Act. The Monitoring Assistance Fund is used for program related work and administrative costs. The Monitoring Assistance Fund consists of fees collected from participating public water systems (A.R.S. § 49-360).   

The Vehicle Emissions Inspection Program, established in 1967, requires vehicles in the Phoenix and Tucson metropolitan area to be tested to determine if emissions of certain pollutants are below a prescribed level.


1.   Repeals applicability of federal definitions, contained in the federal Underground Injection Control (UIC) program of the Safe Drinking Water Act, to Arizona's UIC program. (Sec. 1)

Small Drinking Water Systems Fund

2.   Allows the Small Drinking Water Systems Fund to include federal monies, private grants, gifts, contributions and devises. (Sec. 2)

Monitoring Assistance Program for Public Water Systems

3.   Allows ADEQ to adopt rules to establish criteria for a public water system to opt out of the drinking water Monitoring Assistance Program. (Sec. 3)

4.   Allows ADEQ to conduct additional sampling if a system triggers a detection limit set by the federal Safe Drinking Water Act. (Sec. 3)

5.   Expands the list of contaminants subject to monitoring to include those established by the Safe Drinking Water Act. (Sec. 3)

6.   Allows the Monitoring Assistance Fund to include federal monies, private grants, gifts, contributions and devises. (Sec. 3)

7.   Modifies the method to determine if a fund surplus exists in the Monitoring Assistance Fund that would trigger reduced fees from participating public water systems for the subsequent year. (Sec. 3)

Vehicle Emissions Inspection Program

8.   Designates specific emissions tests for a vehicle, based on the model year and gross vehicle weight. (Sec. 4)

Other Provisions

9.   Modifies definitions of closed solid waste facility and recycling facility for ADEQ solid waste programs. (Sec. 5)

10.  Includes a conditional enactment for statutes related to vehicle emissions testing program protocols and provides that those provisions will not take effect until EPA approves Arizona's state implementation plan (SIP). If EPA approves the SIP by July 1, 2027, the statutory provisions will take effect. (Sec. 7)

11.  Makes technical changes. (Sec. 3-6)

☐ Prop 105 (45 votes)	     ☐ Prop 108 (40 votes)      ☐ Emergency (40 votes)	☐ Fiscal Note



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                        HB 2628

Initials EB/KK          Page 0 Natural Resources, Energy & Water


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