ARIZONA HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVESFifty-sixth Legislature Second Regular Session |
House: MOE DP 5-4-0-0 |
HCR2032: voting centers; precinct voting
Sponsor: Representative Jones, LD 17
Caucus & COW
Prohibits the Board of Supervisors from authorizing the use of voting centers, removes language allowing a County Recorder to establish on-site early voting locations and limits the size of election precincts to a maximum of 1,000 registered voters.
Election Precincts
Election precincts are the smallest units of electoral districts. The Board of Supervisors is responsible for establishing the geographic boundaries of election precincts and ensuring that a convenient number of precincts are established to reasonably accommodate voters. Election precinct boundaries must fall within the existing election districts, including legislative and community college districts. While Arizona law requires a polling place to be designated within each precinct, the law also allows for the combination of adjacent precincts in certain circumstances, exceptions when adequate polling locations are unavailable, the consolidation or combination of polling places in certain circumstances and the authorization of voting centers to be used in addition to or in place of specifically designated polling places (A.R.S. § 16-411).
Voting Locations
Arizona utilizes two types of voting locations: precinct-based polling places and voting centers. Precinct-based polling places are specifically designated for that precinct and require voters to vote at that specific polling place. Alternatively, a voter can vote at any voting center within their county, regardless of which precinct they live in. The Board of Supervisors may decide to utilize either a precinct-based or voting center model, or a combination of both (A.R.S. § 16-411).
On-Site Early Voting Locations
The County Recorder may establish on-site early voting locations at the County Recorder's office and may establish additional locations at their discretion. A voter must present valid identification to vote at an on-site early voting location. On-site early voting locations may open on the same day that the County Recorder sends out early ballots and may remain open until 5:00 p.m. on the Friday before the election (A.R.S. § 16-542).
1. Specifies that at the time election precincts are designated, they must not contain more than 1,000 registered voters. (Sec. 1)
2. Prohibits the Board of Supervisors from authorizing the use of voting centers in place of or in addition to specifically designated polling places. (Sec. 1)
3. Repeals statute allowing the County Recorder to establish on-site early voting locations. (Sec. 3)
4. Requires the Secretary of State to submit the proposition to the voters at the next general election.
5. Becomes effective if approved by the voters and on proclamation of the Governor.
technical and conforming changes. (Sec. 1-7)
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10. HCR 2032
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