ARIZONA HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVESFifty-sixth Legislature Second Regular Session |
Senate: TTMC DP 4-3-0-0 | 3rd Read 16-12-2-0 |
SB 1012: transportation system performance; ADOT
Sponsor: Senator Hoffman, LD 15
Committee on Transportation & Infrastructure
Makes changes to the Transportation Planning Division's process for transportation system performance evaluation and prescribes performance factor weights for highway and transit projects.
To carry out responsibilities in its jurisdictions, the Arizona Department of Transportation (ADOT) is organized into divisions, including the Transportation Planning Division (Division) (A.R.S. § 28-332).
The Division must develop for presentation to the State Transportation Board (Board) standard transportation system performance factors that at least include the following variables: 1) system preservation; 2) congestion relief; 3) accessibility; 4) integration and connectivity with other modes; 5) economic benefits; 6) safety; 7) air quality and environmental impacts; 8) cost-effectiveness of a project or service; 9) operational efficiency; and 10) project readiness. The Division is required to develop transportation system performance factor weights for presentation to the Board.
ADOT and the Board must use the established performance factors and weights to: 1) select projects and services in the Five-Year Transportation Facilities Construction Program and the Long-Range Statewide Transportation Plan; and 2) allocate state and federal financial resources among ADOT's major program categories (A.R.S. § 28-505).
1. Modifies the standard transportation system performance factors that the division must develop to include:
a) congestion reduction, rather than congestion relief;
b) connectivity, rather than integration and connectivity with other modes;
c) safety improvements, rather than safety;
d) integration with other modes; and
e) mobility. (Sec. 2)
2. Directs the Division to:
a) develop methods to measure each performance factor quantitatively using any relevant and available data to the extent practicable; and
b) consider technologies, new innovations, data and market solutions to optimize the delivery of performance factors. (Sec. 2)
3. Requires the Division to use the following weights:
a) for highway projects:
i. congestion reduction, 40%;
ii. increased mobility, 40%; and
iii. safety improvements, reduction in the number of fatalities on roadways in the region, 20%; and
b) for transit projects:
i. requiring ridership on each route to not be lower than 70% of the system average; and
ii. allows the ridership minimum to be decreased to 50% of the system average if the lines are contracted out to a private operator. (Sec. 2)
4. Restricts the Division from considering or adopting a motor vehicle travel mile reduction target or any other demand management policy or project. (Sec. 2)
5. Prohibits the transportation system performance factors from being applied in a manner that promotes differential treatment of or provides special benefits to individuals based on race, color or ethnicity. (Sec. 2)
6. Defines terms. (Sec. 1)
7. Makes technical and conforming changes. (Sec. 2)
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SB 1012
Initials JB Page 0 Transportation & Infrastructure
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