ARIZONA HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVESFifty-sixth Legislature Second Regular Session |
Senate: MAPS DP 6-0-1-0 | 3rd Read 17-11-0-2House: MAPS DP 15-0-0-0 | 3rd Read 32-22-0-6 |
SCM 1004: space national guard; urging establishment
Sponsor: Senator Gowan (with permission of committee on Rules), LD 19
Transmitted to the Secretary of State
The Arizona Legislature urges the establishment of a Space National Guard.
The Air National Guard is the Reserve Component of the United States Air Force. It was created in 1948 following the creation of the Air Force in the previous year as an independent branch of the American military; previously the Air Force had been organized as the Army Air Corps, a subordinate part of the US Army (National Guard, How We Began).
On December 20, 2019, the National Defense Authorization Act created Space Force. The creation of Space Force consolidated satellite operations from across more than 60 different organizations into a unified service for space operations. Space Force is currently organized under the Air Force (USSF, About The Space Force).
1. Urges the United States Congress to enact legislation to immediately establish a Space National Guard to improve the Air National Guard's Space Operations capabilities and ensure that the United States maintains its competitive edge in space.
2. Instructs the Secretary of State to transmit copies of this memorial to specified members of the federal government.
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SCM 1004
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