Assigned to ED & APPROP                                                                                                   FOR COMMITTEE






Fifty-Sixth Legislature, Second Regular Session


FACT SHEET FOR s.b. 1398


feminine hygeiene products; schools; appropriation


Requires a public school serving any of grades 6 through 12 to make feminine hygiene products available in all women's and gender-neutral restrooms. Appropriates $2,500,000 in FY 2025 from the state General Fund (state GF) to the Arizona Department of Education (ADE).


A school district governing board, charter school governing body, the Arizona State Schools for the Deaf and the Blind Board of Directors and, for an accommodation school, the county school superintendent must ensure that a school provides restrooms or bathrooms that are clean and have specified equipment and supplies. The appropriate governing board or county school superintendent must ensure that the school provides restrooms or bathrooms that have toilet paper in all stalls, soap and single-use paper towels or hand dryers (A.A.C. R9-8-703).

S.B. 1398 appropriates $2,500,000 in FY 2025 from the state GF to ADE.


1.   Requires a school that is operated by a school district or charter school and serves any of grades 6 through 12 to make feminine hygiene products available in all women's and gender-neutral restrooms in the school.

2.   Appropriates $2,500,000 from the state GF in FY 2025 to ADE to distribute to school districts and charter schools to provide feminine hygiene products.

3.   Prohibits a school that provides feminine hygiene products from charging a student or the student's family for a feminine hygiene product.

4.   Includes, in feminine hygiene products, tampons and sanitary napkins.

5.   Becomes effective on the general effective date.

Prepared by Senate Research

February 8, 2024
