Assigned to ED                                                                                                                       FOR COMMITTEE






Fifty-Sixth Legislature, Second Regular Session




CTE programs; public schools; funding


Allows a school district or charter school to provide career and technical education programs (CTE programs) on the same terms and subject to the same requirements as a Career and Technical Education District (CTED).


CTEDs are responsible for providing CTE preparation programs designed to prepare students for advanced CTE or entry into the workforce. CTEDs and member school districts and charter schools may allow any student to enroll in a CTE course or program without regard to age or high school graduation. CTEDs receive funding through local, state and federal monies. A CTED receives state funding in the form of Basic State Aid based on the CTED's average daily membership. A CTED may levy a tax of five cents per $100 of secondary net assessed property valuation to generate a local contribution (A.R.S. §§ 15-393; 15-943.02; and 15-962.01).

The sum of the average daily membership (ADM) for a student enrolled in a school district or charter school and a CTED program may not exceed: 1) 1.25, if the CTED program is provided through a satellite campus; or 2) 1.75, if the CTED program is provided through a centralized campus, leased centralized campus or community college. A school district and charter school must determine the apportionment of ADM for students, except that the apportioned amount may not exceed 1.0 ADM for either entity. A CTED, or school district or charter school that is part of a CTED, must only include students in grades 9 through 12 and students in the school year immediately following graduation in the calculation toward ADM. For a CTED student in grade 9 or the school year immediately following graduation to generate funding, the student must be enrolled in a CTE program on the in-demand regional education list. A CTED does not receive funding for a student in grade 9 until the student reaches the 40th day of grade 11 enrolled in a CTE program on the Office of Economic Opportunity's in-demand regional education list.

There is no anticipated fiscal impact to the state General Fund associated with this legislation.


1.   Allows a school district or charter school to provide CTE programs on the same terms, including funding from the Arizona Department of Education, and subject to the same requirements as a CTED.

2.   Specifies that the authorization does not allow a school district or charter school to receive monies from a CTED property tax.

3.   Becomes effective on the general effective date.

Prepared by Senate Research

February 12, 2024
