Assigned to TTMC                                                                                                                  FOR COMMITTEE






Fifty-Sixth Legislature, Second Regular Session




technical correction; traffic violations

(NOW: off-highway vehicle; temporary registration)


Allows a 30-day temporary general use registration to be issued to a nonresident for an
off-highway vehicle (OHV) that is titled in another state.


A temporary general use registration allows a person to operate a motor vehicle for no more than 30 days in a 12-month period. The Director of the Arizona Department of Transportation (ADOT) may authorize the issuance of a temporary general use registration to a person who:
1) does not qualify for a special 90-day nonresident registration or as a foreign nonresident or nonresident daily commuter, as prescribed; 2) complies with state requirements for motor vehicle insurance; and 3) displays the registration so that it is clearly visible from outside the vehicle. An applicant for a temporary general use registration must submit proper evidence of ownership or authorized possession of the vehicle and pay the registration fee of $15 (A.R.S. ยงยง
28-2003 and 28-2156).

There is no anticipated fiscal impact to the state General Fund associated with this legislation.


1.   Allows ADOT to authorize the issuance of a temporary general use registration to a nonresident who owns an OHV that is titled in another state and otherwise meets statutory requirements for OHVs.

2.   Excludes a temporary general use registration for a nonresident's OHV from the limitation on issuing one 30-day registration in a 12-month period.

3.   Defines an OHV as an OHV that:

a)   is designed primarily for recreational nonhighway all-terrain travel;

b)   has a maximum unladen weight of 2,500 pounds and a maximum width of 80 inches;

c)   travels on four or more nonhighway tires; and

d)   has a steering wheel for steering control, a rollover protective structure and an occupant retention system.

4.   Makes technical and conforming changes.

5.   Becomes effective on the general effective date.

House Action

TI                    2/14/24      DPA/SE      10-0-1-0

3rd Read          2/22/24                          58-0-1-0-1

Prepared by Senate Research

March 7, 2024
