Assigned to ED                                                                                                                       FOR COMMITTEE






Fifty-Fifth Legislature, Second Regular Session




schools; health care services; posting


Outlines posting requirements for a school, school district or charter school that provides routine healthcare services to students in a school health care office.


The Arizona State Board of Nursing (AZBN) regulates the practice of nursing by:
1) licensing qualified registered nurse (RN) and practical nurse applicants; and 2) monitoring licensed nurses' compliance with statutory requirements and AZBN-prescribed policies and rules. A qualified applicant may apply to the AZBN for licensure by examination or licensure by endorsement in the manner prescribed by the AZBN (A.R.S. Title 32, Chapter 15).

The AZBN does not require an individual to hold a school nurse certification for employment as a school nurse, but allows eligible individuals to apply and receive an optional school nurse certification. To be eligible for a school nurse certification, an applicant must hold a current RN license in good standing or a multistate privilege to practice as an RN in Arizona. The AZBN must grant a school nurse certificate to any applicant who meets the prescribed requirements. A school nurse certificate expires every six years (A.A.C. R4-19-309; AZBN).

An RN is a person who practices registered nursing and holds a registered nurse license (A.R.S. § 32-1601).

There is no anticipated fiscal impact to the state General Fund associated with this legislation.


1.   Requires each school, school district or charter school that employs an RN to provide routine health care services to students in a school health office to prominently post on the school's website homepage a hyperlink to a webpage that contains a statement that an RN is assigned to the school.

2.   Specifies that the RN posting requirement includes schools, school districts or charter schools that employ an RN through a third-party contractor.

3.   Requires each school that does not employ an RN, but provides routine health care services to students in the school's health office, to prominently post on the school's website homepage a hyperlink to a webpage that contains:

a)   the health care credentials, if any, of each individual who provides routine health care services to students in the school's health office; or

b)   a statement that individuals who do not have health care credentials provide routine health care services to students in the school's health office.

4.   Determines that, if a school that does not maintain its own website, the school district or charter school that operates the school may satisfy the posting requirements.

5.   Requires each school that provides routine health care services to students to prominently post in the school's health office, and if applicable, in the school's handbook:

a)   the health care credentials, if any, of each individual who provides routine health care services to students in the school's health care office; or

b)   a statement that individuals who do not have health care credentials provide routine health care services in the school's health care office.

6.   Defines health care credentials as a license, certificate, permit or registration to practice a health care profession.

7.   Defines RN.

8.   Becomes effective on the general effective date.

House Action

ED                   2/13/24      DPA       6-4-0-0

3rd Read          2/28/24                     31-28-0-0-1

Prepared by Senate Research

March 18, 2024
