Assigned to APPROP                                                                                                                     AS ENACTED






Fifty-Sixth Legislature, Second Regular Session



FACT SHEET FOR h.b. 2905/S.B. 1743


human services; 2024-2025


Makes session law changes relating to human services necessary to implement the FY 2025 state budget.


The Arizona Constitution prohibits substantive law from being included in the general appropriations, capital outlay appropriations and supplemental appropriations bills. However, it is often necessary to make statutory and session law changes to effectuate the budget. Thus, separate bills called budget reconciliation bills (BRBs) are introduced to enact these provisions. Because BRBs contain substantive law changes, the Arizona Constitution provides that they become effective on the general effective date, unless an emergency clause is enacted.

H.B. 2905 contains the budget reconciliation provisions for changes relating to human services.


Extended Foster Care Comprehensive Service Model

1.   Allows monies in the Extended Foster Care Comprehensive Service Model Fund (Model Fund) to be used beyond FY 2024 until June 30, 2025.

2.   Repeals the Model Fund and related requirements on July 1, 2025, and directs any remaining unexpended and unencumbered monies in the Model Fund to be transferred to the state General Fund (state GF).

Homeless Shelter and Services Fund

3.   Accelerates the repeal of the Homeless Shelter and Services Fund from October 1, 2027, to July 1, 2025, and directs any remaining unexpended and unencumbered monies in the Homeless Shelter and Services Fund to be transferred to the state GF.

Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF)

4.   Continues to require the Department of Economic Security (DES) in FY 2025 to screen and test each adult recipient who:

a)   is eligible for TANF cash benefits; and

b)   DES has reasonable cause to believe engages in the illegal use of controlled substances.

5.   Continues to render any TANF recipient who tests positive for the use of a controlled substance that was not prescribed for the recipient by a licensed health care provider as ineligible to receive TANF benefits for a period of one year.


6.   Becomes effective on the general effective date.

House Action                                                           Senate Action

APPROP         6/13/24      DP          9-7-1-0            APPROP         6/13/24      DP          6-5-0

3rd Read          6/15/24                     31-27-2            3rd Read          6/15/24                     17-12-1

                                                                                 (H.B. 2905 was substituted for S.B. 1743 on

                                                                                 3rd Read)

Signed by the Governor 6/18/24

Chapter 217

Prepared by Senate Research

June 26, 2024
