House Engrossed


ROC; contractors; licensing; administrative decisions





State of Arizona

House of Representatives

Fifty-sixth Legislature

Second Regular Session










An Act


amending sections 32-1104, 32-1133.01, 32-1151.02, 32-1161 and 41-1080.01, Arizona Revised Statutes; relating to the registrar of contractors.





Be it enacted by the Legislature of the State of Arizona:

Section 1. Section 32-1104, Arizona Revised Statutes, is amended to read:

START_STATUTE32-1104. Powers and duties

A. The registrar, in addition to other duties and rights provided for in this chapter, shall:

1. Maintain an office in Phoenix and in such other cities and towns in the this state as the registrar deems advisable and necessary.

2. Maintain a complete indexed record of all applications and licenses that are issued, renewed, terminated, cancelled canceled, revoked or suspended under this chapter, including timely notation of any judicial disposition on appeal, for a period of not less than at least seven years.

3. Furnish a certified copy of any license issued or an affidavit that no license exists or that a license has been cancelled canceled or suspended, including information as to the status on appeal of such a cancellation or suspension, on receipt of the prescribed fee. , and That certified copy or affidavit shall be received in all courts and elsewhere as prima facie evidence of the facts stated therein in the certified copy or affidavit. The registrar shall also furnish certified copies of license bonds or cash deposit certificates on receipt of the prescribed fee. Fees charged pursuant to this paragraph are $10 per hour, except that the minimum fee charged pursuant to this paragraph is $10.

4. Employ such deputies, investigators and assistants who are subject to title 41, chapter 4, article 4, and procure such equipment and records, as are necessary to enforce this chapter. With respect to the enforcement of section 32-1164, the registrar or the registrar's investigators are vested with the authority to issue a citation to any violators of this chapter in accordance with section 13-3903. When the registrar or the registrar's investigators conduct investigations they are authorized to receive criminal history record information from the department of public safety and other law enforcement agencies.

5. Make rules the registrar deems necessary to effectually carry out the provisions and intent of this chapter. Such rules shall include the adoption of minimum standards for good and workmanlike construction. In adopting such rules of minimum standards, the registrar shall be guided by established usage and procedure as found in the construction business in this state. If the rules of minimum standards adopted by the registrar are in any manner inconsistent with a building or other code of this state or a county, city or other political subdivision or local authority of this state, compliance with such code shall constitute good and workmanlike construction for the purposes of this chapter.

6. Apply the following to proposed rule changes:

(a) The registrar of contractors, at the time the registrar files notice of proposed rule change with the secretary of state in compliance with title 41, chapter 6, shall mail to each trade association that qualifies in accordance with subdivision (b) of this paragraph, and any other individual holding a bona fide contractor's license who qualifies in accordance with subdivision (b) of this paragraph, a copy of the notice of proposed rule change.

(b) Every trade association in this state allied with the contracting business that files a written request that a notice be mailed to it and shows that the association has an interest in the rules of the registrar of contractors shall receive a copy thereof of the notice of proposed rule change, as set forth in subdivision (a) of this paragraph.  Such filing of a request may be made every two years and it shall contain information as to the nature of the association and its mailing address.  Any duly licensed contractor who files a written request shall receive a copy of the proposed rule changes in accordance with this paragraph. Each such request may be made every two years.

7. Prepare and furnish decals and business management books when deemed advisable by the registrar.  A reasonable fee may be charged for such decals and business management books.

8. Refer criminal violations of this chapter to the appropriate law enforcement agency or prosecuting authority.

B. The registrar may develop and institute programs to do any of the following:

1. Educate the public and contractors licensed pursuant to this chapter regarding statutes, rules, policies and operations of the agency.

2. Assist in resolving disputes in an informal process before a reportable written complaint is filed. The registrar must notify the licensed contractor in an alleged dispute before a written complaint is filed and allow the contractor the opportunity to be present at any inspection regarding the alleged dispute. The registrar must give the contractor at least five days' notice before the inspection.  Issues in the alleged dispute under this section shall not be limited in number and shall not be considered formal written complaints. The homeowner reserves the right to deny access to the contractor under this informal complaint process. The registrar must notify the contractor and the homeowner in writing of the registrar's findings within five days after the date of the inspection.  The registrar may not post any information regarding the informal complaint process as part of a licensee's record on the registrar's website.

3. Develop, manage, operate and sponsor construction related construction-related programs that are designed to benefit the public in conjunction with other private and public entities.

C. The registrar shall publicly post a list of applicants for a contractor license on its website for at least twenty days, commencing on the day designated by the registrar.  The registrar shall issue a license if the applicant meets all requirements regardless of the twenty-day posting period.  The registrar shall furnish copies of the posting list on written request.  A reasonable charge, not to exceed $2 per month, may be made for compilation, printing and postage for the posting list.  The list shall contain the following information:

1. The name and address of the applicant.

2. The names, addresses and official capacity of all persons required to sign the application under section 32-1122.

D. C. The registrar may accept voluntary gifts, grants or matching monies from public agencies or enterprises for the conduct of programs that are authorized by this section or that are consistent with the purpose of this chapter. END_STATUTE

Sec. 2. Section 32-1133.01, Arizona Revised Statutes, is amended to read:

START_STATUTE32-1133.01. Administrative recovery; statute of limitations

A. Notwithstanding any other provision in this chapter, if a contractor license has been revoked or suspended as a result of an order to remedy a violation of this chapter, the registrar may order payment from the residential contractors' recovery fund to remedy the violation.

B. The registrar must serve the contractor with a notice setting forth the amount claimed or to be awarded.

C. If the contractor contests the amount or propriety of the payment, the contractor must respond in writing within ten days after the date of service by requesting a hearing to determine the amount or propriety of the payment. The contractor's failure to respond in writing within ten days after the date of service may be deemed a waiver by the contractor of the right to contest the amount claimed or to be awarded. The contractor requesting a hearing under this section bears the burden of proof at the hearing.

D. Service of the notice required by subsection B of this section may be made by personal service to the contractor or by mailing a copy of the notice by certified mail with postage prepaid to the contractor's latest address of record on file in the registrar's office.

E. If service is made by certified mail, it is effective five days after the notice is mailed. Except as provided in section 41-1092.08, subsection H, the contractor or claimant may seek judicial review of the registrar's final award pursuant to title 12, chapter 7, article 6.

F. A claimant to the residential contractors' recovery fund pursuant to this section must show that the claimant has proceeded against any existing bond covering the residential contractor.

G. A claim for payment from the residential contractor's recovery fund must be submitted within two years after all proceedings, reviews and appeals connected with the registrar's final order terminate. END_STATUTE

Sec. 3. Section 32-1151.02, Arizona Revised Statutes, is amended to read:

START_STATUTE32-1151.02. List of unlicensed contractors; website publication

A. The registrar shall maintain a list of persons who have been convicted of contracting without a license in violation of section 32-1151 or administratively adjudicated to have been contracting without a license after being issued a civil citation pursuant to section 32-1166.01. The list shall include any known related business names that the persons described in this subsection have used. The list shall be published on the registrar's website.

B. The registrar shall remove a person and any known related business names that person used from the list within ten business days when the person becomes licensed pursuant to this chapter and submits a written request to the registrar requesting the person's name to be removed from the list.

C. If a member of the public requests a copy of the list prescribed by subsection A of this section, the registrar shall provide a copy of the list.END_STATUTE

Sec. 4. Section 32-1161, Arizona Revised Statutes, is amended to read:

START_STATUTE32-1161. Rights of contractor after suspension of license

A. After suspending the license on any of the grounds set forth in section 32-1154, the registrar shall renew it the license on proof of compliance by the contractor with provisions of the judgment relating to renewal of the license, or in the absence of a judgment or provisions therein as to renewal, on a proper showing that all loss caused by the act or omission for which the license was suspended has been fully satisfied.

B. After suspending the license pursuant to section 32-1154, the licensee may perform, without compensation, warranty work or other corrective work.

C. After revoking a license on any of the grounds set forth in section 32-1154, the registrar may not issue a new license may not be renewed or reissued to any person that is named on the revoked license for one year after final determination of revocation and then only on a proper showing that all loss caused by the act or omission for which the license was revoked has been fully satisfied.  For the purposes of this subsection, a proper showing may be made by demonstrating, to the satisfaction of the registrar, that the licensee exhausted all reasonable means to remedy the underlying loss caused by the act or omission. END_STATUTE

Sec. 5. Section 41-1080.01, Arizona Revised Statutes, is amended to read:

START_STATUTE41-1080.01. Licensing fees; waiver; annual report; definitions

A. Except for an individual who applies for a license pursuant to title 36, chapter 4, article 10 or chapter 28.1, an agency shall waive any fee charged for an initial license for any of the following individuals if the individual is applying for that specific license in this state for the first time:

1. Any individual applicant whose family income does not exceed two hundred percent of the federal poverty guidelines.

2. Any active duty military service member's spouse.

3. Any honorably discharged veteran who has been discharged not more than two years before application.

4. Any active duty military service member who is within one year from discharge.

5. Any active member of the military reserve forces.

B. On or before March 1 of each year, the department of administration shall report to the president of the senate, the speaker of the house of representatives, the joint legislative budget committee and the governor's office of strategic planning and budgeting the total number of waived licensing fees by each agency. The report shall specify for which purpose the fee was waived pursuant to this section.

C. For the purposes of this section, "agency" and "license" have the same meanings prescribed in section 41-1080. END_STATUTE