REFERENCE TITLE: coordinated reentry planning grant program




State of Arizona

House of Representatives

Fifty-sixth Legislature

Second Regular Session




HB 2383


Introduced by

Representative Livingston









An Act


amending title 11, chapter 2, article 15, Arizona Revised Statutes, by adding section 11-393; relating to coordinated reentry planning services programs.





Be it enacted by the Legislature of the State of Arizona:

Section 1. Title 11, chapter 2, article 15, Arizona Revised Statutes, is amended by adding section 11-393, to read:

START_STATUTE11-393. Coordinated reentry planning services program grant program; report

A. The coordinated reentry planning services grant program is established to distribute grants to county sheriffs to continue or establish a coordinated reentry planning services program within a county jail pursuant to section 11-392.

B. Notwithstanding section 44-1531.02, the coordinated reentry planning services grant program is established consisting of $20,000,000 each fiscal year from the consumer restitution and remediation revolving fund established by section 44-1531.02.

C. Grants received through the coordinated reentry planning services grant program shall be granted in a two-year cycle.

D. The attorney general shall manage the monies.  the monies in the program shall be allocated as follows:

1. UP to $500,000 per year for the following:

(a) Apache county.

(b) La Paz county.

(c) Graham county.

(d) Gila county.

(e) Santa Cruz county.

2. Up to $850,000 per year for the following:

(a) Coconino county.

(b) cOCHISE county.

(c) nAVAJO county.


(a) mOHAVE county.

(b) pINAL county.

(c) yAVAPAI county.

4. $1,100,000 shall be available for the statewide database accommodation of additional counties participating in the program.

E. Grantees who receive grants shall issue a report to the President of the senate and the speaker of the house of representatives two years after receiving the first grant.  The report shall include all of the following information:

1. For all inmates who completed screening:

(a) The percentage with low, moderate and high mental health risks.

(b) The percentage with Low, MOderate and high substance use disorder risks.

(c) The percentage with other presenting risk factors including:

(i) no primary care provider.

(ii) Unemployed.

(iii) uninsured.

(iv) lack of transportation access.

(v) Physical health concerns.

(vi) homelessness.

(vii) Veteran status.

2. incidence of recidivism, including:

(a) Overall population recidivism rates.

(b) Recidivism rates by mental HEALTH and substance use risk factors.

(c) Recidivism rates, including other risk factors.

3. Percentage of released individuals connected and diverted to services, including behavioral health and housing services.

F. By the end of the grant cycle, grantees must be able to demonstrate all of the following:

1. Establishment of a formal coalition with a workgroup dedicated to establishing the program's policies and procedures.

2. Dedicated program staff located within the jail.

3. Installation of a statewide cross-system recidivism tracking database.

4. Establishment of data sharing agreements.

5. Incorporation of screening and assessment tools.

6. Commitment to local contribution to the program.

G. Grants are intended to supplement and not replace existing local monies that are allocated to coordinated reentry planning services programs.

H. Any monies not granted in each year of the grant cycle are available for allocation to other grantees. END_STATUTE