REFERENCE TITLE: K-12 education; 2024-2025





State of Arizona

House of Representatives

Fifty-sixth Legislature

Second Regular Session





HB 2906


Introduced by

Representative Livingston (with permission of Committee on Rules)









An Act


amending section 15-185, Arizona Revised Statutes; repealing sections 15-217, 15-217.01, 15-217.02 and 15-217.03, Arizona Revised Statutes; amending sections 15-536, 15-538.01, 15-901, 15-945, 15-2402, 15-2403, 28-472 and 41-1276, Arizona Revised Statutes; amending Laws 2023, chapter 142, sections 12 and 13; repealing Laws 2023, chapter 142, sections 16 and 17; appropriating monies; relating to kindergarten through grade twelve.





Be it enacted by the Legislature of the State of Arizona:

Section 1. Section 15-185, Arizona Revised Statutes, is amended to read:

START_STATUTE15-185. Charter schools; financing; civil penalties; transportation; definition

A. A school district is not financially responsible for any charter school that is sponsored by the state board of education, the state board for charter schools, a university under the jurisdiction of the Arizona board of regents, a community college district or a group of community college districts.

B. Financial provisions for a charter school that is sponsored by the state board of education, the state board for charter schools, a university, a community college district or a group of community college districts are as follows:

1. The charter school shall calculate a base support level as prescribed in section 15-943, except that:

(a) Section 15-941 does not apply to these charter schools.

(b) The small school weights prescribed in section 15-943, paragraph 1 apply if a charter holder holds one charter for one or more school sites and the average daily membership for the school sites are combined for the calculation of the small school weight. The small school weight shall not be applied individually to a charter holder if one or more of the following conditions exist and the combined average daily membership derived from the following conditions is greater than six hundred:

(i) The organizational structure or management agreement of the charter holder requires the charter holder or charter school to contract with a specific management company.

(ii) The governing body of the charter holder has identical membership to another charter holder in this state.

(iii) The charter holder is a subsidiary of a corporation that has other subsidiaries that are charter holders in this state.

(iv) The charter holder holds more than one charter in this state.

(c) Notwithstanding subdivision (b) of this paragraph, for fiscal years 2015-2016 and 2016-2017, the department of education shall reduce by thirty-three percent the amount provided by the small school weight for charter schools prescribed in subdivision (b) of this paragraph.

2. Notwithstanding paragraph 1 of this subsection, the student count shall be determined initially using an estimated student count based on actual registration of pupils before the beginning of the school year.  Notwithstanding section 15-1042, subsection F, student level data submitted to the department may be used to determine estimated student counts. After the first forty days, one hundred days or two hundred days in session, as applicable, the charter school shall revise the student count to be equal to the actual average daily membership, as defined in section 15-901, of the charter school. Before the fortieth day, one hundredth day or two hundredth day in session, as applicable, the state board of education, the state board for charter schools, the sponsoring university, the sponsoring community college district or the sponsoring group of community college districts may require a charter school to report periodically regarding pupil enrollment and attendance, and the department of education may revise its computation of equalization assistance based on the report. A charter school shall revise its student count, base support level and charter additional assistance before May 15.  A charter school that overestimated its student count shall revise its budget before May 15. A charter school that underestimated its student count may revise its budget before May 15.

3. A charter school may use section 15-855 for the purposes of this section. The charter school and the department of education shall prescribe procedures for determining average daily membership.

4. Equalization assistance for the charter school shall be determined by adding the amount of the base support level and charter additional assistance. The amount of the charter additional assistance is $2,049.12 $2,090.10 per student count in preschool programs for children with disabilities, kindergarten programs and grades one through eight and $2,388.21 $2,435.97 per student count in grades nine through twelve.

5. The state board of education shall apportion state aid from the appropriations made for such purposes to the state treasurer for disbursement to the charter schools in each county in an amount as determined by this paragraph. The apportionments shall be made as prescribed in section 15-973, subsection B.

6. The charter school shall not charge tuition for pupils who reside in this state, levy taxes or issue bonds. A charter school may admit pupils who are not residents of this state and shall charge tuition for those pupils in the same manner prescribed in section 15-823.

7. Not later than noon on the day preceding each apportionment date established pursuant to paragraph 5 of this subsection, the superintendent of public instruction shall furnish to the state treasurer an abstract of the apportionment and shall certify the apportionment to the department of administration, which shall draw its warrant in favor of the charter schools for the amount apportioned.

C. If a pupil is enrolled in both a charter school and a public school that is not a charter school, the sum of the daily membership, which includes enrollment as prescribed in section 15-901, subsection A, paragraph 1, subdivisions (a) and (b) and daily attendance as prescribed in section 15-901, subsection A, paragraph 5, for that pupil in the school district and the charter school shall not exceed 1.0. If a pupil is enrolled in both a charter school and a public school that is not a charter school, the department of education shall direct the average daily membership to the school with the most recent enrollment date. On validation of actual enrollment in both a charter school and a public school that is not a charter school and if the sum of the daily membership or daily attendance for that pupil is greater than 1.0, the sum shall be reduced to 1.0 and shall be apportioned between the public school and the charter school based on the percentage of total time that the pupil is enrolled or in attendance in the public school and the charter school.  The uniform system of financial records shall include guidelines to apportion the pupil enrollment and attendance as provided in this section.

D. Charter schools are allowed to accept grants and gifts to supplement their state funding, but it is not the intent of the charter school law to require taxpayers to pay twice to educate the same pupils.  The base support level for a charter school or for a school district sponsoring a charter school shall be reduced by an amount equal to the total amount of monies received by a charter school from a federal or state agency if the federal or state monies are intended for the basic maintenance and operations of the school. The superintendent of public instruction shall estimate the amount of the reduction for the budget year and shall revise the reduction to reflect the actual amount before May 15 of the current year. If the reduction results in a negative amount, the negative amount shall be used in computing all budget limits and equalization assistance, except that:

1. Equalization assistance shall not be less than zero.

2. For a charter school sponsored by the state board of education, the state board for charter schools, a university, a community college district or a group of community college districts, the total of the base support level and the charter additional assistance shall not be less than zero.

E. If a charter school was a district public school in the prior year and sponsored by the state board of education, the state board for charter schools, a university, a community college district or a group of community college districts, the reduction in subsection D of this section applies. The reduction to the base support level of the charter school shall equal the sum of the base support level and the charter additional assistance received in the current year for those pupils who were enrolled in the traditional public school in the prior year and are now enrolled in the charter school in the current year.

F. Equalization assistance for charter schools shall be provided as a single amount based on average daily membership without categorical distinctions between maintenance and operations or capital.

G. At the request of a charter school, the county school superintendent of the county where the charter school is located may provide the same educational services to the charter school as prescribed in section 15-308, subsection A. The county school superintendent may charge a fee to recover costs for providing educational services to charter schools.

H. If the sponsor of the charter school determines at a public meeting that the charter school is not in compliance with federal law, with the laws of this state or with its charter, the sponsor of a charter school may submit a request to the department of education to withhold up to ten percent of the monthly apportionment of state aid that would otherwise be due the charter school. The department shall adjust the charter school's apportionment accordingly. The sponsor shall provide written notice to the charter school at least seventy-two hours before the meeting and shall allow the charter school to respond to the allegations of noncompliance at the meeting before the sponsor makes a final determination to notify the department of education of noncompliance. The charter school shall submit a corrective action plan to the sponsor on a date specified by the sponsor at the meeting. The corrective action plan shall be designed to correct deficiencies at the charter school and to ensure that the charter school promptly returns to compliance. When the sponsor determines that the charter school is in compliance, the department shall restore the full amount of state aid payments to the charter school.

I. In addition to the withholding of state aid payments pursuant to subsection H of this section, the sponsor of a charter school may impose a civil penalty of $1,000 per occurrence if a charter school fails to comply with the fingerprinting requirements prescribed in section 15-183, subsection C or section 15-512. The sponsor of a charter school shall not impose a civil penalty if it is the first time the charter school is out of compliance with the fingerprinting requirements and if the charter school provides proof within forty-eight hours after written notification that an application for the appropriate fingerprint check has been received by the department of public safety. The sponsor of the charter school shall obtain proof that the charter school has been notified, and the notification shall identify the date of the deadline and shall be signed by both parties. The sponsor of a charter school shall automatically impose a civil penalty of $1,000 per occurrence if the sponsor determines that the charter school subsequently violates the fingerprinting requirements. Civil penalties pursuant to this subsection shall be assessed by requesting the department of education to reduce the amount of state aid that the charter school would otherwise receive by an amount equal to the civil penalty. The amount of state aid withheld shall revert to the state general fund at the end of the fiscal year.

J. A charter school may receive and spend monies distributed by the department of education pursuant to section 42-5029, subsection E, section 42-5029.02, subsection A and section 37-521, subsection B.

K. If a school district transports or contracts to transport pupils to the Arizona state schools for the deaf and the blind during any fiscal year, the school district may transport or contract with a charter school to transport sensory impaired pupils during that same fiscal year to a charter school if requested by the parent of the pupil and if the distance from the pupil's place of actual residence within the school district to the charter school is less than the distance from the pupil's place of actual residence within the school district to the campus of the Arizona state schools for the deaf and the blind.

L. Notwithstanding any other law, a university under the jurisdiction of the Arizona board of regents, a community college district or a group of community college districts shall not include any student in the student count of the university, community college district or group of community college districts for state funding purposes if that student is enrolled in and attending a charter school sponsored by the university, community college district or group of community college districts.

M. The governing body of a charter school shall transmit a copy of its proposed budget or the summary of the proposed budget and a notice of the public hearing to the department of education for posting on the department of education's website not later than ten days before the hearing and meeting. If the charter school maintains a website, the charter school governing body shall post on its website a copy of its proposed budget or the summary of the proposed budget and a notice of the public hearing.

N. The governing body of a charter school shall collaborate with the private organization that is approved by the state board of education pursuant to section 15-792.02 to provide approved board examination systems for the charter school.

O. If allowed by federal law, a charter school may opt out of federal grant opportunities if the charter holder or the appropriate governing body of the charter school determines that the federal requirements impose unduly burdensome reporting requirements.

P. For the purposes of this section, "monies intended for the basic maintenance and operations of the school" means monies intended to provide support for the educational program of the school, except that it does not include supplemental assistance for a specific purpose or title VIII of the elementary and secondary education act of 1965 monies. The auditor general shall determine which federal or state monies meet this definition. END_STATUTE

Sec. 2. Delayed repeal

Sections 15-217, 15-217.01, 15-217.02 and 15-217.03, Arizona Revised Statutes, are repealed from and after June 30, 2025.

Sec. 3. Section 15-536, Arizona Revised Statutes, is amended to read:

START_STATUTE15-536. Offer of contract to probationary teacher; acceptance; notice to teacher of intention not to reemploy; definition

A. on or after March 15 of each year, the governing board shall offer a teaching contract for the next ensuing school year to each probationary teacher, unless the governing board, a member of the governing board acting on behalf of the governing board or the superintendent of the school district gives notice to the teacher of the governing board's intention not to offer a teaching contract or unless such teacher has been dismissed pursuant to section 15-538, 15-539, 15-541 or 15-544. The teacher's acceptance of the contract for the ensuing year must be indicated within fifteen business days from after the date of the teacher's receipt of the written contract or the offer is revoked. Receipt under this subsection will be deemed to have occurred when the written contract is personally delivered or placed in the teacher's school provided mailbox, including electronic mail email, or two days after being placed in a United States postal service mailbox.  The teacher accepts the contract by signing the contract and returning it to the governing board or by making a written instrument that accepts the terms of the contract and delivering it to the governing board. If the written instrument includes terms in addition to the terms of the contract offered by the governing board, the teacher fails to accept the contract.

B. Notice of the governing board's intention not to reemploy the teacher shall be by delivering it personally to the teacher or by sending it by registered or certified mail to the teacher at the teacher's place of residence as recorded in the school district records. The notice shall incorporate a statement of reasons for not reemploying the teacher. If the reasons are charges of inadequacy of classroom performance, the governing board or its authorized representative shall give the teacher written preliminary notice of inadequacy, specifying the nature of the inadequacy with such particularity as to furnish the teacher an opportunity to correct the inadequacies and maintain adequate classroom performance as defined by the governing board pursuant to section 15-538, subsection C. The governing board may delegate to employees of the governing board the general authority to issue preliminary notices of inadequacy of classroom performance to teachers pursuant to this subsection without the need for prior approval of each notice by the governing board. In all cases in which an employee of the governing board issues a preliminary notice of inadequacy of classroom performance without prior approval by the governing board, the employee shall report its issuance to the governing board within ten school days. The written notice of intention not to reemploy shall include a copy of any evaluation pertinent to the charges made and filed with the governing board.

C. This section shall does not be construed to provide a probationary teacher with the right to a hearing pursuant to section 15-539, subsection F.

D. A certificated teacher who is currently a continuing teacher as defined in section 15-538.01 but who has been designated after an evaluation conducted according to the requirements pursuant to section 15-537 in the lowest performance classification for the current school year shall become a probationary teacher as defined in section 15-536 for the subsequent school year and shall remain a probationary teacher until that teacher's performance classification is designated in either of the two highest performance classifications.

E. For the purposes of this section, "probationary teacher" means a certificated teacher who is not a continuing teacher. END_STATUTE

Sec. 4. Section 15-538.01, Arizona Revised Statutes, is amended to read:

START_STATUTE15-538.01. Offer of contract to continuing teacher; definition

A. On or after March 15 of each year, the governing board shall offer to each continuing teacher a contract renewal for the next ensuing school year unless the governing board, a member of the governing board acting on behalf of the governing board or the superintendent of the school district gives notice to the teacher of the governing board's intent not to offer a contract and to dismiss the teacher as provided in section 15-539.

B. The teacher's acceptance of the contract must be indicated within fifteen business days from after the date of the teacher's receipt of the written contract or the offer of a contract is revoked. Receipt under this subsection will be deemed to have occurred when the written contract is personally delivered or placed in the teacher's school provided mailbox, including electronic mail email, or two days after being placed in a United States postal service mailbox. The teacher accepts the contract by signing the contract and returning it to the governing board or by making a written instrument that accepts the terms of the contract and delivering it to the governing board. If the written instrument includes terms in addition to the terms of the contract offered by the governing board, the teacher fails to accept the contract.

C. A certificated teacher who is currently a continuing teacher as defined in this section but who has been designated after an evaluation conducted according to the requirements pursuant to section 15-537 in the lowest performance classification for the current school year shall become a probationary teacher as defined in section 15-536 for the subsequent school year and shall remain a probationary teacher until that teacher's performance classification is designated in either of the two highest performance classifications.

D. For the purposes of this section, "continuing teacher" means a certificated teacher who has been and is currently employed by the school district for the major portion of three consecutive school years and who has not been designated in the lowest performance classification for the previous school year or who has not regained continuing status after being designated as a probationary teacher pursuant to subsection C of this section. END_STATUTE

Sec. 5. Section 15-901, Arizona Revised Statutes, is amended to read:

START_STATUTE15-901. Definitions

A. In this title, unless the context otherwise requires:

1. "Average daily membership" means the total enrollment of fractional students and full-time students, minus withdrawals, of each school day through the first one hundred days or two hundred days in session, as applicable, for the current year. For the purposes of this paragraph, "withdrawals" means students who are formally withdrawn from schools or students who are absent for ten consecutive school days, except for excused absences identified by the department of education. For computation purposes, a student who is absent for nine or fewer consecutive school days, including the last day of the school year, is not a withdrawal and may not be subtracted from the total enrollment of fractional students and full-time students. For the purposes of this section, school districts and charter schools shall report student absence data to the department of education at least once every sixty days in session. For computation purposes, the effective date of withdrawal shall be retroactive to the last day of actual attendance of the student or excused absence. A school district or charter school may satisfy any of the time and hours requirements prescribed in this subsection in any manner prescribed in the school district's or charter school's instructional time model adopted under section 15-901.08.

(a) "Fractional student" means:

(i) For common schools, a preschool child who is enrolled in a program for preschool children with disabilities of at least three hundred sixty minutes each week that meets at least two hundred sixteen hours over the minimum number of days or a kindergarten student who is at least five years of age before January 1 of the school year and enrolled in a school kindergarten program that meets at least three hundred fifty-six hours for a one hundred eighty-day school year, or the instructional hours prescribed in this section. In computing the average daily membership, preschool children with disabilities and kindergarten students shall be counted as one-half of a full-time student. For common schools, a part-time student is a student enrolled for less than the total time for a full-time student as defined in this section. A part-time common school student shall be counted as one-fourth, one-half or three-fourths of a full-time student if the student is enrolled in an instructional program that is at least one-fourth, one-half or three-fourths of the time a full-time student is enrolled as defined in subdivision (b) of this paragraph. The hours in which a student is scheduled to attend a common school during the regular school day shall be included in the calculation of the average daily membership for that student.

(ii) For high schools, a part-time student who is enrolled in less than four subjects that count toward graduation as defined by the state board of education, each of which, if taught each school day for the minimum number of days required in a school year, would meet a minimum of one hundred twenty-three hours a year, or the equivalent, in a recognized high school. The average daily membership of a part-time high school student shall be 0.75 if the student is enrolled in an instructional program of three subjects that meet at least five hundred forty hours for a one hundred eighty-day school year, or the instructional hours prescribed in this section. The average daily membership of a part-time high school student shall be 0.5 if the student is enrolled in an instructional program of two subjects that meet at least three hundred sixty hours for a one hundred eighty-day school year, or the instructional hours prescribed in this section. The average daily membership of a part-time high school student shall be 0.25 if the student is enrolled in an instructional program of one subject that meets at least one hundred eighty hours for a one hundred eighty-day school year, or the instructional hours prescribed in this section. The hours in which a student is scheduled to attend a high school during the regular school day shall be included in the calculation of the average daily membership for that student.

(b) "Full-time student" means:

(i) For common schools, a student who is at least six years of age before January 1 of a school year, who has not graduated from the highest grade taught in the school district and who is regularly enrolled in a course of study required by the state board of education. First, second and third grade students or ungraded group B children with disabilities who are at least five, but under six, years of age by September 1 must be enrolled in an instructional program that meets for a total of at least seven hundred twelve hours for a one hundred eighty-day school year, or the instructional hours prescribed in this section. Fourth, fifth, sixth, seventh and eighth grade students must be enrolled in an instructional program that meets for a total of at least eight hundred ninety hours for a one hundred eighty-day school year, or the instructional hours prescribed in this section, including the equivalent number of instructional hours for schools that operate on a one hundred forty-four-day school year. The hours in which a student is scheduled to attend a common school during the regular school day shall be included in the calculation of the average daily membership for that student.

(ii) For high schools, a student who has not graduated from the highest grade taught in the school district and who is enrolled in at least an instructional program of four or more subjects that count toward graduation as defined by the state board of education, each of which, if taught each school day for the minimum number of days required in a school year, would meet a minimum of one hundred twenty-three hours a year, or the equivalent, that meets for a total of at least seven hundred twenty hours for a one hundred eighty-day school year, or the instructional hours prescribed in this section in a recognized high school. A full-time student shall not be counted more than once for computation of average daily membership. The average daily membership of a full-time high school student shall be 1.0 if the student is enrolled in at least four subjects that meet at least seven hundred twenty hours for a one hundred eighty-day school year, or the equivalent instructional hours prescribed in this section. The hours in which a student is scheduled to attend a high school during the regular school day shall be included in the calculation of the average daily membership for that student.

(iii) If a child who has not reached five years of age before September 1 of the current school year is admitted to kindergarten and repeats kindergarten in the following school year, a school district or charter school is not eligible to receive basic state aid on behalf of that child during the child's second year of kindergarten. If a child who has not reached five years of age before September 1 of the current school year is admitted to kindergarten but does not remain enrolled, a school district or charter school may receive a portion of basic state aid on behalf of that child in the subsequent year. A school district or charter school may charge tuition for any child who is ineligible for basic state aid pursuant to this item.

(iv) Except as otherwise provided by law, for a full-time high school student who is concurrently enrolled in two school districts or two charter schools, the average daily membership shall not exceed 1.0.

(v) Except as otherwise provided by law, for any student who is concurrently enrolled in a school district and a charter school, the average daily membership shall be apportioned between the school district and the charter school and shall not exceed 1.0. The apportionment shall be based on the percentage of total time that the student is enrolled in or in attendance at the school district and the charter school.

(vi) Except as otherwise provided by law, for any student who is concurrently enrolled, pursuant to section 15-808, in a school district and Arizona online instruction or a charter school and Arizona online instruction, the average daily membership shall be apportioned between the school district and Arizona online instruction or the charter school and Arizona online instruction and shall not exceed 1.0. The apportionment shall be based on the percentage of total time that the student is enrolled in or in attendance at the school district and Arizona online instruction or the charter school and Arizona online instruction.

(vii) For homebound or hospitalized, a student receiving at least four hours of instruction per week.

(c) "Regular school day" means the regularly scheduled class periods intended for instructional purposes. Instructional purposes may include core subjects, elective subjects, lunch, study halls, music instruction and other classes that advance the academic instruction of pupils. Instructional purposes do not include athletic practices or extracurricular clubs and activities.

2. "Budget year" means the fiscal year for which the school district is budgeting and that immediately follows the current year.

3. "Common school district" means a political subdivision of this state offering instruction to students in programs for preschool children with disabilities and kindergarten programs and either:

(a) Grades one through eight.

(b) Grades one through nine pursuant to section 15-447.01.

4. "Current year" means the fiscal year in which a school district is operating.

5. "Daily attendance" means:

(a) For common schools, days in which a pupil:

(i) Of a kindergarten program or ungraded, but not group B children with disabilities, who is at least five, but under six, years of age by September 1 attends at least three-quarters of the instructional time scheduled for the day. If the total instruction time scheduled for the year is at least three hundred fifty-six hours but is less than seven hundred twelve hours, such attendance shall be counted as one-half day of attendance. If the instructional time scheduled for the year is at least six hundred ninety-two hours, "daily attendance" means days in which a pupil attends at least one-half of the instructional time scheduled for the day. Such attendance shall be counted as one-half day of attendance.  A school district or charter school may satisfy any of the time and hours requirements prescribed in this item in any manner prescribed in the school district's or charter school's instructional time model adopted under section 15-901.08.

(ii) Of the first, second or third grades attends more than three-quarters of the instructional time scheduled for the day. A school district or charter school may satisfy any of the time and hours requirements prescribed in this item in any manner prescribed in the school district's or charter school's instructional time model adopted under section 15-901.08.

(iii) Of the fourth, fifth or sixth grades attends more than three-quarters of the instructional time scheduled for the day, except as provided in section 15-797. A school district or charter school may satisfy any of the time and hours requirements prescribed in this item in any manner prescribed in the school district's or charter school's instructional time model adopted under section 15-901.08.

(iv) Of the seventh or eighth grades attends more than three-quarters of the instructional time scheduled for the day, except as provided in section 15-797. A school district or charter school may satisfy any of the time and hours requirements prescribed in this item in any manner prescribed in the school district's or charter school's instructional time model adopted under section 15-901.08.

(b) For common schools, the attendance of a pupil at three-quarters or less of the instructional time scheduled for the day shall be counted as follows, except as provided in section 15-797 and except that attendance for a fractional student shall not exceed the pupil's fractional membership:

(i) If attendance for all pupils in the school is based on quarter days, the attendance of a pupil shall be counted as one-fourth of a day's attendance for each one-fourth of full-time instructional time attended.  A school district or charter school may satisfy any of the time and hours requirements prescribed in this item in any manner prescribed in the school district's or charter school's instructional time model adopted under section 15-901.08.

(ii) If attendance for all pupils in the school is based on half days, the attendance of at least three-quarters of the instructional time scheduled for the day shall be counted as a full day's attendance and attendance at a minimum of one-half but less than three-quarters of the instructional time scheduled for the day equals one-half day of attendance. A school district or charter school may satisfy any of the time and hours requirements prescribed in this item in any manner prescribed in the school district's or charter school's instructional time model adopted under section 15-901.08.

(c) For common schools, the attendance of a preschool child with disabilities shall be counted as one-fourth day's attendance for each thirty-six minutes of attendance, except as provided in paragraph 1, subdivision (a), item (i) of this subsection for children with disabilities up to a maximum of three hundred sixty minutes each week. A school district or charter school may satisfy any of the time and hours requirements prescribed in this subdivision in any manner prescribed in the school district's or charter school's instructional time model adopted under section 15-901.08.

(d) For high schools, the attendance of a pupil shall not be counted as a full day unless the pupil is actually and physically in attendance and enrolled in and carrying four subjects, each of which, if taught each school day for the minimum number of days required in a school year, would meet a minimum of one hundred twenty-three hours a year, or the equivalent, that count toward graduation in a recognized high school except as provided in section 15-797 and subdivision (e) of this paragraph. Attendance of a pupil carrying less than the load prescribed shall be prorated. A school district or charter school may satisfy any of the time and hours requirements prescribed in this subdivision in any manner prescribed in the school district's or charter school's instructional time model adopted under section 15-901.08.

(e) For high schools, the attendance of a pupil may be counted as one-fourth of a day's attendance for each sixty minutes of instructional time in a subject that counts toward graduation, except that attendance for a pupil shall not exceed the pupil's full or fractional membership. A school district or charter school may satisfy any of the time and hours requirements prescribed in this subdivision in any manner prescribed in the school district's or charter school's instructional time model adopted under section 15-901.08.

(f) For homebound or hospitalized, a full day of attendance may be counted for each day during a week in which the student receives at least four hours of instruction. A school district or charter school may satisfy any of the time and hours requirements prescribed in this subdivision in any manner prescribed in the school district's or charter school's instructional time model adopted under section 15-901.08.

(g) For school districts that maintain school for an approved year-round school year operation, attendance shall be based on a computation, as prescribed by the superintendent of public instruction, of the one hundred eighty days' equivalency or two hundred days' equivalency, as applicable, of instructional time as approved by the superintendent of public instruction during which each pupil is enrolled. A school district or charter school may satisfy any of the time and hours requirements prescribed in this subdivision in any manner prescribed in the school district's or charter school's instructional time model adopted under section 15-901.08.

6. "Daily route mileage" means the sum of:

(a) The total number of miles driven daily by all buses of a school district while transporting eligible students from their residence to the school of attendance and from the school of attendance to their residence on scheduled routes approved by the superintendent of public instruction.

(b) The total number of miles driven daily on routes approved by the superintendent of public instruction for which a private party, a political subdivision or a common or a contract carrier is reimbursed for bringing an eligible student from the place of the student's residence to a school transportation pickup point or to the school of attendance and from the school transportation scheduled return point or from the school of attendance to the student's residence. Daily route mileage includes the total number of miles necessary to drive to transport eligible students from and to their residence as provided in this paragraph.

7. "District support level" means the base support level plus the transportation support level.

8. "Eligible students" means:

(a) Students who are transported by or for a school district and who qualify as full-time students or fractional students, except students for whom transportation is paid by another school district or a county school superintendent, and:

(i) For common school students, whose place of actual residence within the school district is more than one mile from the school facility of attendance or students who are admitted pursuant to section 15-816.01 and who meet the economic eligibility requirements established under the national school lunch and child nutrition acts (42 United States Code sections 1751 through 1793) for free or reduced-price lunches and whose actual place of residence outside the school district boundaries is more than one mile from the school facility of attendance.

(ii) For high school students, whose place of actual residence within the school district is more than one and one-half miles from the school facility of attendance or students who are admitted pursuant to section 15-816.01 and who meet the economic eligibility requirements established under the national school lunch and child nutrition acts (42 United States Code sections 1751 through 1793) for free or reduced-price lunches and whose actual place of residence outside the school district boundaries is more than one and one-half miles from the school facility of attendance.

(b) Kindergarten students, for purposes of computing the number of eligible students under subdivision (a), item (i) of this paragraph, shall be counted as full-time students, notwithstanding any other provision of law.

(c) Children with disabilities, as defined by section 15-761, who are transported by or for the school district or who are admitted pursuant to chapter 8, article 1.1 of this title and who qualify as full-time students or fractional students regardless of location or residence within the school district or children with disabilities whose transportation is required by the pupil's individualized education program.

(d) Students whose residence is outside the school district and who are transported within the school district on the same basis as students who reside in the school district.

9. "Enrolled" or "enrollment" means that a pupil is currently registered in the school district.

10. "GDP price deflator" means the average of the four implicit price deflators for the gross domestic product reported by the United States department of commerce for the four quarters of the calendar year.

11. "High school district" means a political subdivision of this state offering instruction to students for grades nine through twelve or that portion of the budget of a common school district that is allocated to teaching high school subjects with permission of the state board of education.

12. "Instructional hours" or "instructional time" means hours or time spent pursuant to an instructional time model adopted under section 15-901.08.

13. "Revenue control limit" means the base revenue control limit plus the transportation revenue control limit.

14. "Student count" means average daily membership as prescribed in this subsection for the fiscal year before the current year, except that for the purpose of budget preparation student count means average daily membership as prescribed in this subsection for the current year.

15. "Submit electronically" means submitted in a format and in a manner prescribed by the department of education.

16. "Total bus mileage" means the total number of miles driven by all buses of a school district during the school year.

17. "Total students transported" means all eligible students transported from their place of residence to a school transportation pickup point or to the school of attendance and from the school of attendance or from the school transportation scheduled return point to their place of residence.

18. "Unified school district" means a political subdivision of this state offering instruction to students in programs for preschool children with disabilities and kindergarten programs and grades one through twelve.

B. In this title, unless the context otherwise requires:

1. "Base" means the revenue level per student count specified by the legislature.

2. "Base level" means the following amounts plus the percentage increase to the base level as provided in section 15-902.04:

(a) For fiscal year 2021-2022, $4,390.65.

(b) (a) For fiscal year 2022-2023, $4,775.27.

(c) (b) For fiscal year 2023-2024, $4,914.71.

(c) For fiscal year 2024-2025, $5,013.00.

3. "Base revenue control limit" means the base revenue control limit computed as provided in section 15-944.

4. "Base support level" means the base support level as provided in section 15-943.

5. "Certified teacher" means a person who is certified as a teacher pursuant to the rules adopted by the state board of education, who renders direct and personal services to schoolchildren in the form of instruction related to the school district's educational course of study and who is paid from the maintenance and operation section of the budget.

6. "DD" means programs for children with developmental delays who are at least three years of age but under ten years of age.  A preschool child who is categorized under this paragraph is not eligible to receive funding pursuant to section 15-943, paragraph 2, subdivision (b).

7. "ED, MIID, SLD, SLI and OHI" means programs for children with emotional disabilities, mild intellectual disabilities, a specific learning disability, a speech/language impairment and other health impairments. A preschool child who is categorized as SLI under this paragraph is not eligible to receive funding pursuant to section 15-943, paragraph 2, subdivision (b).

8. "ED-P" means programs for children with emotional disabilities who are enrolled in private special education programs as prescribed in section 15-765, subsection D, paragraph 1 or in an intensive school district program as provided in section 15-765, subsection D, paragraph 2.

9. "ELL" means English learners who do not speak English or whose native language is not English, who are not currently able to perform ordinary classroom work in English and who are enrolled in an English language education program pursuant to sections 15-751, 15-752 and 15-753.

10. "FRPL" means students who meet the eligibility requirements established under the national school lunch and child nutrition acts (42 United States Code sections 1751 through 1793) for free or reduced-price lunches, or an equivalent measure recognized for participating in the federal free and reduced-price lunch program and other school programs dependent on a poverty measure, including the community eligibility provision for which free and reduced-price lunch data is not available.

11. "Full-time equivalent certified teacher" or "FTE certified teacher" means for a certified teacher the following:

(a) If employed full time as defined in section 15-501, 1.00.

(b) If employed less than full time, multiply 1.00 by the percentage of a full school day, or its equivalent, or a full class load, or its equivalent, for which the teacher is employed as determined by the governing board.

12. "G" means educational programs for gifted pupils who score at or above the ninety-seventh percentile, based on national norms, on a test adopted by the state board of education.

13. "Group A" means educational programs for career exploration, a specific learning disability, an emotional disability, a mild intellectual disability, remedial education, a speech/language impairment, developmental delay, homebound pupils, bilingual pupils and pupils with other health impairments.

14. "Group B" means educational improvements for pupils in kindergarten programs and grades one through three, educational programs for autism, a hearing impairment, a moderate intellectual disability, multiple disabilities, multiple disabilities with severe sensory impairment, orthopedic impairments, preschool severe delay, a severe intellectual disability and emotional disabilities for school age pupils enrolled in private special education programs or in school district programs for children with severe disabilities or visual impairment, English learners enrolled in a program to promote English language proficiency pursuant to section 15-752 and students who meet the eligibility requirements established under the national school lunch and child nutrition acts (42 United States Code sections 1751 through 1793) for free or reduced-price lunches, or an equivalent measure recognized for participating in the federal free and reduced-price lunch program and other school programs dependent on a poverty measure, including the community eligibility provision for which free and reduced-price lunch data is not available.

15. "HI" means programs for pupils with hearing impairment.

16. "Homebound" or "hospitalized" means a pupil who is capable of profiting from academic instruction but is unable to attend school due to illness, disease, accident or other health conditions, who has been examined by a competent medical doctor and who is certified by that doctor as being unable to attend regular classes for a period of not less than three school months or a pupil who is capable of profiting from academic instruction but is unable to attend school regularly due to chronic or acute health problems, who has been examined by a competent medical doctor and who is certified by that doctor as being unable to attend regular classes for intermittent periods of time totaling three school months during a school year. The medical certification shall state the general medical condition, such as illness, disease or chronic health condition, that is the reason that the pupil is unable to attend school. Homebound or hospitalized includes a student who is unable to attend school for a period of less than three months due to a pregnancy if a competent medical doctor, after an examination, certifies that the student is unable to attend regular classes due to risk to the pregnancy or to the student's health.

17. "K-3" means kindergarten programs and grades one through three.

18. "K-3 reading" means reading programs for pupils in kindergarten programs and grades one, two and three.

19. "MD-R, A-R and SID-R" means resource programs for pupils with multiple disabilities, autism and severe intellectual disability.

20. "MD-SC, A-SC and SID-SC" means self-contained programs for pupils with multiple disabilities, autism and severe intellectual disability.

21. "MD-SSI" means a program for pupils with multiple disabilities with severe sensory impairment.

22. "MOID" means programs for pupils with moderate intellectual disability.

23. "OI-R" means a resource program for pupils with orthopedic impairments.

24. "OI-SC" means a self-contained program for pupils with orthopedic impairments.

25. "PSD" means preschool programs for children with disabilities as provided in section 15-771.

26. "P-SD" means programs for children who meet the definition of preschool severe delay as provided in section 15-771.

27. "Qualifying tax rate" means the qualifying tax rate specified in section 15-971 applied to the assessed valuation used for primary property taxes.

28. "Small isolated school district" means a school district that meets all of the following:

(a) Has a student count of fewer than six hundred in kindergarten programs and grades one through eight or grades nine through twelve.

(b) Contains no school that is fewer than thirty miles by the most reasonable route from another school, or, if road conditions and terrain make the driving slow or hazardous, fifteen miles from another school that teaches one or more of the same grades and is operated by another school district in this state.

(c) Is designated as a small isolated school district by the superintendent of public instruction.

29. "Small school district" means a school district that meets all of the following:

(a) Has a student count of fewer than six hundred in kindergarten programs and grades one through eight or grades nine through twelve.

(b) Contains at least one school that is fewer than thirty miles by the most reasonable route from another school that teaches one or more of the same grades and is operated by another school district in this state.

(c) Is designated as a small school district by the superintendent of public instruction.

30. "Transportation revenue control limit" means the transportation revenue control limit computed as prescribed in section 15-946.

31. "Transportation support level" means the support level for pupil transportation operating expenses as provided in section 15-945.

32. "VI" means programs for pupils with visual impairments. END_STATUTE

Sec. 6. Section 15-945, Arizona Revised Statutes, is amended to read:

START_STATUTE15-945. Transportation support level

A. The support level for to and from school for each school district for the current year shall be computed as follows:

1. Determine the approved daily route mileage of the school district for the fiscal year prior to the current year.

2. Multiply the figure obtained in paragraph 1 of this subsection by one hundred eighty, or for a school district that elects to provide at least two hundred days of instruction pursuant to section 15-902.04, multiply the figure obtained in paragraph 1 of this subsection by two hundred.

3. Determine the number of eligible students transported in the fiscal year prior to the current year.

4. Divide the amount determined in paragraph 1 of this subsection by the amount determined in paragraph 3 of this subsection to determine the approved daily route mileage per eligible student transported.

5. Determine the classification in column 1 of this paragraph for the quotient determined in paragraph 4 of this subsection.  Multiply the product obtained in paragraph 2 of this subsection by the corresponding state support level for each route mile as provided in column 2 of this paragraph.

      Column 1                                  Column 2

Approved Daily Route                      State Support Level per

Mileage per Eligible                           Route Mile for

Student Transported                       Fiscal Year 2023-2024 2024-2025

0.5 or less                                       2.89 2.95

More than 0.5 through 1.0                         2.37 2.42

More than 1.0                                     2.89 2.95

6. Add the amount spent during the prior fiscal year for bus tokens and bus passes for students who qualify as eligible students as defined in section 15-901.

B. The support level for academic education, career and technical education, vocational education and athletic trips for each school district for the current year is computed as follows:

1. Determine the classification in column 1 of paragraph 2 of this subsection for the quotient determined in subsection A, paragraph 4 of this section.

2. Multiply the product obtained in subsection A, paragraph 5 of this section by the corresponding state support level for academic education, career and technical education, vocational education and athletic trips as provided in column 2, 3 or 4 of this paragraph, whichever is appropriate for the type of district.

      Column 1                  Column 2         Column 3         Column 4

Approved Daily Route

Mileage per Eligible        District Type   District Type    District Type

Student Transported          02 or 03     04     05

0.5 or less                       0.15            0.10             0.25

More than 0.5 through 1.0         0.15            0.10             0.25 

More than 1.0                     0.18            0.12             0.30 

For the purposes of this paragraph, "district type 02" means a unified school district or an accommodation school that offers instruction in grades nine through twelve, "district type 03" means a common school district not within a high school district, "district type 04" means a common school district within a high school district or an accommodation school that does not offer instruction in grades nine through twelve and "district type 05" means a high school district.

C. The support level for extended school year services for pupils with disabilities is computed as follows:

1. Determine the sum of the following:

(a) The total number of miles driven by all buses of a school district while transporting eligible pupils with disabilities on scheduled routes from their residence to the school of attendance and from the school of attendance to their residence on routes for extended school year services in accordance with section 15-881.

(b) The total number of miles driven on routes approved by the superintendent of public instruction for which a private party, a political subdivision or a common or a contract carrier is reimbursed for bringing an eligible pupil with a disability from the place of the pupil's residence to a school transportation pickup point or to the school facility of attendance and from the school transportation scheduled return point or from the school facility to the pupil's residence for extended school year services in accordance with section 15-881.

2. Multiply the sum determined in paragraph 1 of this subsection by the state support level for the district determined as provided in subsection A, paragraph 5 of this section.

D. The transportation support level for each school district for the current year is the sum of the support level for to and from school as determined in subsection A of this section, the support level for academic education, career and technical education, vocational education and athletic trips as determined in subsection B of this section and the support level for extended school year services for pupils with disabilities as determined in subsection C of this section.

E. The state support level for each approved route mile, as provided in subsection A, paragraph 5 of this section, shall be adjusted by the growth rate prescribed by law, subject to appropriation.

F. School districts must provide the odometer reading for each bus as of the end of the current year and the total bus mileage during the current year.

G. A school district may include route mileage and the number of riders to calculate funding pursuant to this section for transporting eligible students using motor vehicles described in section 15-925. END_STATUTE

Sec. 7. Section 15-2402, Arizona Revised Statutes, is amended to read:

START_STATUTE15-2402. Arizona empowerment scholarship accounts; funds

A. Arizona empowerment scholarship accounts are established to provide options for the education of students in this state.

B. To enroll a qualified student for an Arizona empowerment scholarship account, the parent of the qualified student must sign an agreement to do all of the following:

1. Use a portion of the Arizona empowerment scholarship account monies allocated annually to provide an education for the qualified student in at least the subjects of reading, grammar, mathematics, social studies and science, unless the Arizona empowerment scholarship account is allocated monies according to a transfer schedule other than quarterly transfers pursuant to section 15-2403, subsection G.

2. Not enroll the qualified student in a school district or charter school and release the school district from all obligations to educate the qualified student.  This paragraph does not:

(a) Relieve the school district or charter school that the qualified student previously attended from the obligation to conduct an evaluation pursuant to section 15-766.

(b) Require the qualified student to withdraw from a school district or charter school before enrolling for an Arizona empowerment scholarship account if the qualified student withdraws from the school district or charter school before receiving any monies in the qualified student's Arizona empowerment scholarship account.

(c) Prevent the qualified student from applying in advance for an Arizona empowerment scholarship account to be funded beginning the following school year, subject to section 15-2403, subsection H.

3. Not accept a scholarship from a school tuition organization pursuant to title 43 concurrently with an Arizona empowerment scholarship account for the qualified student in the same year a parent signs the agreement pursuant to this section.

4. Use monies deposited in the qualified student's Arizona empowerment scholarship account only for the following expenses of the qualified student:

(a) Tuition or fees at a qualified school that requires all teaching staff and personnel who have unsupervised contact with students to be fingerprinted.

(b) Textbooks required by a qualified school.

(c) If the qualified student meets any of the criteria specified in section 15-2401, paragraph 7, subdivision (a), item (i), (ii) or (iii) as determined by a school district or by an independent third party pursuant to section 15-2403, subsection J, the qualified student may use the following additional services:

(i) Educational therapies from a licensed or accredited practitioner or provider, including and up to any amount not covered by insurance if the expense is partially paid by a health insurance policy for the qualified student.

(ii) A licensed or accredited paraprofessional or educational aide.

(iii) Tuition for vocational and life skills education approved by the department.

(iv) Associated goods and services that include educational and psychological evaluations, assistive technology rentals and braille translation goods and services approved by the department.

(d) Tutoring or teaching services provided by an individual who is not subject to disciplinary action by the state board of education for immoral or unprofessional conduct pursuant to section 15-505 or 15-534.04 or a facility that is accredited by a state, regional or national accrediting organization. The department shall ensure any individual who provides tutoring or teaching services to one or more qualified students pursuant to this subdivision is not subject to disciplinary action by the state board of education.  The department shall also remove any individual who is subject to disciplinary action by the state BOARD of education from all platforms that the department provides to parents and qualified students for the purchase of goods or educational services using account monies.

(e) Curricula and supplementary materials.

(f) Tuition or fees for a nonpublic online learning program.

(g) Fees for a nationally standardized norm-referenced achievement test, an advanced placement examination or any exams related to college or university admission.

(h) Tuition or fees at an eligible postsecondary institution.

(i) Textbooks required by an eligible postsecondary institution.

(j) Fees to manage the Arizona empowerment scholarship account.

(k) Services provided by a public school, including individual classes and extracurricular programs.

(l) Insurance or surety bond payments.

(m) Uniforms purchased from or through a qualified school.

(n) If the qualified student meets the criteria specified in section 15-2401, paragraph 7, subdivision (a), item (i), (ii) or (iii) and if the qualified student is in the second year prior to the final year of a contract executed pursuant to this article, costs associated with an annual education plan conducted by an independent evaluation team. The department shall prescribe minimum qualifications for independent evaluation teams pursuant to this subdivision and factors that teams must use to determine whether the qualified student shall be eligible to continue to receive monies pursuant to this article through the school year in which the qualified student reaches twenty-two years of age. An independent evaluation team that provides an annual education plan pursuant to this subdivision shall submit a written report that summarizes the results of the evaluation to the parent of the qualified student and to the department on or before July 31. The written report submitted by the independent evaluation team is valid for one year. If the department determines that the qualified student meets the eligibility criteria prescribed in the annual education plan, the qualified student is eligible to continue to receive monies pursuant to this article until the qualified student reaches twenty-two years of age, subject to annual review. A parent may appeal the department's decision pursuant to title 41, chapter 6, article 10. As an addendum to a qualified student's final-year contract, the department shall provide the following written information to the parent of the qualified student:

(i) That the qualified student will not be eligible to continue to receive monies pursuant to this article unless the results of an annual education plan conducted pursuant to this subdivision demonstrate that the qualified student meets the eligibility criteria prescribed in the annual education plan.

(ii) That the parent is entitled to obtain an annual education plan pursuant to this subdivision to determine whether the qualified student meets the eligibility criteria prescribed in the annual education plan.

(iii) A list of independent evaluation teams that meet the minimum qualifications prescribed by the department pursuant to this subdivision.

(o) Public transportation services in this state, including a commuter pass for the qualified student, or transportation network services as defined in section 28-9551 between the qualified student's residence and a qualified school in which the qualified student is enrolled.

(p) Computer hardware and technological devices primarily used for an educational purpose. For the purposes of this subdivision, "computer hardware and technological devices":

(i) Includes calculators, personal computers, laptops, tablet devices, microscopes, telescopes and printers.

(ii) Does not include entertainment and other primarily noneducational devices, including televisions, telephones, video game consoles and accessories, and home theatre and audio equipment.

5. Not file an affidavit of intent to homeschool pursuant to section 15-802, subsection B, paragraph 2 or 3.

6. Not use monies deposited in the qualified student's account for any of the following:

(a) Computer hardware or other technological devices, except as otherwise allowed under paragraph 4, subdivision (c) or (p) of this subsection.

(b) Transportation of the pupil, except for transportation services described in paragraph 4, subdivision (o) of this subsection.

C. In exchange for the parent's agreement pursuant to subsection B of this section, the department shall transfer from the monies that would otherwise be allocated to a recipient's prior school district, or if the child is currently eligible to attend a preschool program for children with disabilities, a kindergarten program or any of grades one through twelve, the monies that the department determines would otherwise be allocated to a recipient's expected school district of attendance, to the treasurer for deposit into an Arizona empowerment scholarship account an amount that is equivalent to ninety percent of the sum of the base support level and additional assistance prescribed in sections 15-185 and 15-943 for that particular student if that student were attending a charter school.

D. The department of education empowerment scholarship account fund is established consisting of monies appropriated by the legislature. The department shall administer the fund. Monies in the fund are subject to legislative appropriation. Monies in the fund shall be used for the department's costs in administering Arizona empowerment scholarship accounts under this chapter. Monies in the fund are exempt from the provisions of section 35-190 relating to lapsing of appropriations. If the number of Arizona empowerment scholarship accounts significantly increases after fiscal year 2020-2021, the department may request an increase in the amount appropriated to the fund in any subsequent fiscal year in the budget estimate submitted pursuant to section 35-113. The department shall list monies in the fund as a separate line item in its budget estimate.

E. The state treasurer empowerment scholarship account fund is established consisting of monies appropriated by the legislature. The state treasurer shall administer the fund.  Monies in the fund shall be used for the state treasurer's costs in administering the Arizona empowerment scholarship accounts under this chapter. If the number of Arizona empowerment scholarship accounts significantly increases after fiscal year 2020-2021, the state treasurer may request an increase in the amount appropriated to the fund in any subsequent fiscal year in the budget estimate submitted pursuant to section 35-113. Monies in the fund are subject to legislative appropriation.  Monies in the fund are exempt from the provisions of section 35-190 relating to lapsing of appropriations. The state treasurer shall list monies in the fund as a separate line item in its budget estimate.

F. A parent must renew the qualified student's Arizona empowerment scholarship account on an annual basis. The department of education shall verify that the parent's child is a qualified student as defined in section 15-2401 or 15-2401.01 in the year for which the parent seeks to renew the Arizona empowerment scholarship account.

G. Notwithstanding any changes to the student's multidisciplinary evaluation team plan, a student who has previously qualified for an Arizona empowerment scholarship account remains eligible to apply for renewal until the student finishes high school.

H. If a parent does not renew the qualified student's Arizona empowerment scholarship account for a period of three academic years, the department shall notify the parent that the qualified student's account will be closed in sixty calendar days. The notification must be sent through certified mail, email and telephone, if applicable.  The parent has sixty calendar days to renew the qualified student's Arizona empowerment scholarship account. If the parent chooses not to renew or does not respond in sixty calendar days, the department shall close the account and any remaining monies shall be returned to the state.

I. A signed agreement under this section constitutes school attendance required by section 15-802.

J. A qualified school or a provider of services purchased pursuant to subsection B, paragraph 4 of this section may not share, refund or rebate any Arizona empowerment scholarship account monies with the parent or qualified student in any manner.

K. Notwithstanding subsection H of this section, on the qualified student's graduation from a postsecondary institution or after any period of four consecutive years after high school graduation in which the student is not enrolled in an eligible postsecondary institution, but not before this time as long as the account holder continues using a portion of account monies for eligible allowable expenses each year and is in good standing, the qualified student's Arizona empowerment scholarship account shall be closed and any remaining monies shall be returned to the state.

L. Monies received pursuant to this article do not constitute taxable income to the parent of the qualified student. END_STATUTE

Sec. 8. Section 15-2403, Arizona Revised Statutes, is amended to read:

START_STATUTE15-2403. Arizona empowerment scholarship accounts; administration; appeals; risk-based audits; rules; policy handbook

A. The treasurer may contract with private financial management firms to manage Arizona empowerment scholarship accounts.

B. The department shall conduct or contract for annual audits of Arizona empowerment scholarship accounts to ensure compliance with section 15-2402, subsection B, paragraph 4. The department shall also conduct or contract for random, quarterly and annual audits of Arizona empowerment scholarship accounts as needed to ensure compliance with section 15-2402, subsection B, paragraph 4. The department, in consultation with the office of the auditor general, shall develop risk-based auditing procedures for audits conducted pursuant to this subsection.

C. The department shall annually review a sample of Arizona empowerment scholarship accounts, selected at random, to determine whether the parent or qualified student is in compliance with the terms of the contract, applicable laws, rules and orders relating to the Arizona empowerment scholarship accounts program. The Arizona empowerment scholarship account of a parent or qualified student who is in good standing may be randomly selected pursuant to this subsection only one time during any five-year period. This subsection does not allow a qualified student to receive monies in an Arizona empowerment scholarship account while the qualified student is enrolled in a school district or charter school.  The department may remove any parent or qualified student from eligibility for an Arizona empowerment scholarship account if the parent or qualified student fails to comply with the terms of the contract or applicable laws, rules or orders or knowingly misuses monies or knowingly fails to comply with the terms of the contract with intent to defraud and shall notify the treasurer. The department shall notify the treasurer to suspend the account of a parent or qualified student and shall notify the parent or qualified student in writing that the account has been suspended and that no further transactions will be allowed or disbursements made. The notification shall specify the reason for the suspension and state that the parent or qualified student has fifteen days, not including weekends, to respond and take corrective action. If the parent or qualified student refuses or fails to contact the department, furnish any information or make any report that may be required for reinstatement within the fifteen-day period, the department may remove the parent or qualified student pursuant to this subsection.

D. A parent may appeal to the state board of education any administrative decision the department makes pursuant to this article, including determinations of allowable expenses, removal from the program or enrollment eligibility. The department shall notify the parent in writing that the parent may appeal any administrative decision under this article and the process by which the parent may appeal at the same time the department notifies the parent of an administrative decision under this article. The state board of education shall establish an appeals process, and the department shall post this information on the department's website in the same location as the policy handbook developed pursuant to subsection K of this section.

E. A parent may represent himself or herself or designate a representative, not necessarily an attorney, before any appeals hearing held pursuant to this section. Any such designated representative who is not an attorney admitted to practice may not charge for any services rendered in connection with such a the hearing. The fact that a representative participated in the hearing or assisted the account holder is not grounds for reversing any administrative decision or order if the evidence supporting the decision or order is substantial, reliable and probative.

F. The state board of education may refer cases of substantial misuse of monies to the attorney general for the purpose of collection or for the purpose of a criminal investigation if the state board of education obtains evidence of fraudulent use of an account.

G. The department shall make quarterly transfers of the amount calculated pursuant to section 15-2402, subsection C to the treasurer for deposit in the Arizona empowerment scholarship account of each qualified student, except the department may make transfers according to another transfer schedule if the department determines a transfer schedule other than quarterly transfers is necessary to operate the Arizona empowerment scholarship account.

H. The department shall accept applications between July 1 and June 30 of each year. The department shall enroll and issue an award letter to eligible applicants within thirty days after receipt of a completed application and all required documentation. If an eligible applicant completes an application in advance for an Arizona empowerment scholarship account to be funded beginning on a later date, the department may enroll the eligible applicant on the later date, except that the department may not enroll the applicant more than two fiscal quarters after the fiscal quarter in which the application is completed or on a date that is after March 31 and before July 1. If an eligible applicant completes an application after March 31 and before July 1, the department shall enroll the applicant on or after July 1. the department shall enroll all other eligible applicants when the department issues an award letter pursuant to this subsection. On or before May 30 september 1 and november 1 of each year, the department shall furnish to the joint legislative budget committee and the governor's office of strategic planning and budgeting an estimate of the amount required to fund Arizona empowerment scholarship accounts for the following fiscal year. The department shall include in its budget request for the following fiscal year the amount estimated pursuant to section 15-2402, subsection C for each qualified student.

I. The state board of education may adopt rules and policies necessary to administer Arizona empowerment scholarship accounts, including rules and policies:

1. For establishing an appeals process pursuant to subsection D of this section.

2. For conducting or contracting for examinations of the use of account monies, consistent with subsection L of this section.

3. For conducting or contracting for random, quarterly and annual reviews of accounts.

4. For establishing or contracting for the establishment of an online anonymous fraud reporting service.

5. For establishing an anonymous telephone hotline for fraud reporting.

6. That require a surety bond or insurance for account holders.

J. The department shall contract with an independent third party for the purposes of determining whether a qualified student is eligible to receive educational therapies or services pursuant to section 15-2402, subsection B, paragraph 4, subdivision (c).  If during any period on or after January 1, 2023 the department fails to ensure that a contract with an independent third party is in effect, during that period:

1. The county school superintendent of each county may approve a list of independent third parties within the county whose evaluation may be used to determine whether a qualified student who resides within the county is eligible to receive educational therapies or services pursuant to section 15-2402, subsection B, paragraph 4, subdivision (c).

2. If the county school superintendent of a county does not provide a list of approved independent third parties within ninety days after the beginning of any period during which the department does not have a contract with an independent third party in effect as described in this subsection, the parent of a qualified student who resides within the county has the right to obtain an independent educational evaluation from a qualified examiner to determine whether the qualified student is eligible to receive educational therapies or services pursuant to section 15-2402, subsection B, paragraph 4, subdivision (c). The expense for an educational evaluation undertaken pursuant to this paragraph shall be provided by the school district within which the qualified student resides and that serves the grade level of the qualified student. For the purposes of this paragraph, "qualified examiner" means a licensed physician, psychiatrist or psychologist.

K. On or before July 1 of each year, the department shall develop an applicant and participant handbook that includes information relating to policies and processes of Arizona empowerment scholarship accounts.  The policy handbook shall comply with the rules adopted by the state board of education pursuant to this section. The department shall post the handbook on its the department's website.

L. The department shall:

1. Establish and maintain an online database of allowable and disallowed categories of expenses and provide a link to the database on the department's website.

2. Allow the use of account monies to reimburse the parent of a qualified student or a qualified student for the purchase of a good or educational service that is an allowable expense pursuant to section 15-2402, subsection B.

L. M. Except for cases in which the attorney general determines that a parent or account holder has committed fraud, any expenditure from an Arizona empowerment scholarship account for a purchase that is deemed ineligible the department determines is not an allowable expense pursuant to section 15-2402 and that is subsequently repaid by the parent or account holder shall be credited back to the Arizona empowerment scholarship account balance within thirty days after the receipt of payment.

M. N. If, in response to an appeal of an administrative decision made by the department, the state board of education issues a stay of an Arizona empowerment scholarship account suspension pursuant to rules adopted by the board, the department may not withhold funding or contract renewal for the account holder on account because of the appealed administrative decision during the stay unless directed by the board to do so. END_STATUTE

Sec. 9. Section 28-472, Arizona Revised Statutes, is amended to read:

START_STATUTE28-472. Fleet operation services; records; rules; vehicle replacement rate; participating agencies; coordinator; public service announcements; annual report

A. The director shall operate the state motor vehicle fleet for the purpose of providing fleet operation services to agencies. The director shall make fleet operation services available to an agency on the request of the chosen representative for that agency.

B. The director is responsible for administering the state motor vehicle fleet, including:

1. Procuring motor vehicles for the state motor vehicle fleet.

2. Notwithstanding title 41, chapter 23, article 8, administering the surplus and sale of motor vehicles in the state motor vehicle fleet.

C. The director shall provide for detailed cost, operation, maintenance, mileage and custody records for each state-owned motor vehicle.

D. The director may adopt rules necessary to administer this article.

E. The department shall recover all costs for fleet operation services that are provided to an agency. Each agency shall pay from available monies the cost of fleet operation services received from the department at a rate determined by the director, including a separate vehicle replacement rate for motor vehicle replacements. The director shall deposit, pursuant to sections 35-146 and 35-147, monies received for fleet operation services in the state fleet operations fund established by section 28-475. The director shall deposit, pursuant to sections 35-146 and 35-147, monies received to pay the vehicle replacement rate in the state vehicle replacement fund established by section 28-476.

F. The following agencies are excluded from participation in the state motor vehicle fleet:

1. The department of public safety.

2. The department of economic security.

3. The state department of corrections.

4. Universities and community colleges.

5. The Arizona state schools for the deaf and the blind.

6. 5. The cotton research and protection council.

7. 6. The Arizona commerce authority.

8. 7. The department of child safety.

9. 8. The department of transportation.

G. The director shall appoint a state motor vehicle fleet coordinator. 

H. An agency may not purchase, lease or rent a motor vehicle unless the agency is excluded from participation in the state motor vehicle fleet by subsection F of this section.  The director may withhold registration for any motor vehicle that is purchased, leased or rented in violation of this subsection.

I. Notwithstanding subsection H of this section, an agency that administers a separate account pursuant to section 28-476, subsection C shall control the purchase, lease or rental of motor vehicles.  Vehicles purchased, leased or rented under this subsection shall be used by the agency only for the agency's purposes.

J. An agency listed in subsection F of this section may elect to participate in the state motor vehicle fleet by executing an interagency service agreement between the agency and the department.

K. A governmental budget unit of this state that is not an agency may elect to participate in the state motor vehicle fleet by entering into an interagency service agreement with the department.

L. An agency, including an agency listed in subsection F of this section, may accept compensation for placing public service announcements on state-owned motor vehicles, and monies received shall be deposited, pursuant to sections 35-146 and 35-147, in the state general fund. The agency director shall determine the appropriateness of the announcements, may exempt any motor vehicles that are not suitable for advertising and may contract with private parties to design and place the announcements.

M. On or before October 1 of each year, the department shall submit to the joint legislative budget committee and the governor's office of strategic planning and budgeting a report that accounts for all monies deposited in the state fleet operations fund established by section 28-475 and the state vehicle replacement fund established by section 28-476, including any monies allocated to separate agency accounts. The report shall also include the number of motor vehicles that were replaced in the prior fiscal year, the number of motor vehicles at each agency, the replacement life cycle for each motor vehicle and the number of motor vehicles the department identifies as not requiring replacement. END_STATUTE

Sec. 10. Section 41-1276, Arizona Revised Statutes, is amended to read:

START_STATUTE41-1276. Truth in taxation levy for equalization assistance to school districts

A. On or before February 15 of each year, the joint legislative budget committee shall compute and transmit the truth in taxation rates for equalization assistance for school districts for the following fiscal year to:

1. The chairpersons of the house of representatives ways and means committee and the senate finance committee, or their successor committees.

2. The chairpersons of the appropriations committees of the senate and the house of representatives, or their successor committees.

B. The truth in taxation rates consist of the qualifying tax rate for a high school district or a common school district within a high school district that does not offer instruction in high school subjects pursuant to section 15-971, subsection B, paragraph 1 and a qualifying tax rate for a unified district, a common school district not within a high school district or a common school district within a high school district that offers instruction in high school subjects pursuant to section 15-971, subsection B, paragraph 2 that will offset the change in net assessed valuation of property that was subject to tax in the prior year.

C. The joint legislative budget committee shall compute the truth in taxation rates as follows:

1. Determine the statewide net assessed value for the preceding tax year as provided in section 42-17151, subsection A, paragraph 3.

2. Determine the statewide net assessed value for the current tax year, excluding the net assessed value of property that was not subject to tax in the preceding year.

3. Divide the amount determined in paragraph 1 of this subsection by the amount determined in paragraph 2 of this subsection.

4. Adjust the qualifying tax rates for the current fiscal year by the percentage determined in paragraph 3 of this subsection in order to offset the change in net assessed value.

D. Except as provided in subsections E and G of this section, the qualifying tax rate for a high school district or a common school district within a high school district that does not offer instruction in high school subjects and the qualifying tax rate for a unified school district, a common school district not within a high school district or a common school district within a high school district that offers instruction in high school subjects for the following fiscal year shall be the rate determined by the joint legislative budget committee pursuant to subsection C of this section. The committee shall transmit the rates to the superintendent of public instruction and the county boards of supervisors by March 15 of each year.

E. If the legislature proposes qualifying tax rates that exceed the truth in taxation rate:

1. The house of representatives ways and means committee and the senate finance committee, or their successor committees, shall hold a joint hearing on or before February 28 and publish a notice of a truth in taxation hearing subject to the following requirements:

(a) The notice shall be published twice in a newspaper of general circulation in this state that is published at the state capital. The first publication shall be at least fourteen but not more than twenty days before the date of the hearing.  The second publication shall be at least seven but not more than ten days before the date of the hearing.

(b) The notice shall be published in a location other than the classified or legal advertising section of the newspaper.

(c) The notice shall be at least one-fourth page in size and shall be surrounded by a solid black border at least one-eighth inch in width.

(d) The notice shall be in the following form, with the "truth in taxation hearing — notice of tax increase" headline in at least eighteen-point type:

Truth in Taxation Hearing

Notice of Tax Increase

In compliance with section 41-1276, Arizona Revised Statutes, the state legislature is notifying property taxpayers in Arizona of the legislature's intention to raise the property tax levy over last year's level.

The proposed tax increase will cause the taxes on a $100,000 home to be $(total proposed taxes including the tax increase). Without the proposed tax increase, the total taxes that would be owed on a $100,000 home would have been $_______.

All interested citizens are invited to attend a public hearing on the tax increase that is scheduled to be held (date and time) at (location).

(e) For the purposes of computing the tax increase on a $100,000 home as required by the notice, the joint meeting of the house of representatives ways and means committee and the senate finance committee, or their successor committees, shall consider the difference between the truth in taxation rate and the proposed increased rate.

2. The joint meeting of the house of representatives ways and means committee and the senate finance committee, or their successor committees, shall consider any motion to recommend the proposed tax rates to the full legislature by roll call vote.

F. In addition to publishing the truth in taxation notice under subsection E, paragraph 1 of this section, the joint meeting of the house of representatives ways and means committee and the senate finance committee, or their successor committees, shall issue a press release containing the truth in taxation notice.

G. Notwithstanding any other law, the legislature shall not adopt a state budget that provides for qualifying tax rates pursuant to section 15-971 that exceed the truth in taxation rates computed pursuant to subsection A of this section unless the rates are adopted by a concurrent resolution approved by an affirmative roll call vote of two-thirds of the members of each house of the legislature before the legislature enacts the general appropriations bill. If the resolution is not approved by two-thirds of the members of each house of the legislature, the rates for the following fiscal year shall be the truth in taxation rates determined pursuant to subsection C of this section and shall be transmitted to the superintendent of public instruction and the county boards of supervisors.

H. Notwithstanding subsection C of this section and if approved by the qualified electors voting at a statewide general election, the legislature shall not set a qualifying tax rate that exceeds $2.1265 for a common or high school district or $4.253 for a unified school district. The legislature shall not set a county equalization assistance for education rate that exceeds $0.5123.

I. Pursuant to subsection C of this section, the qualifying tax rate in tax year 2023 2024 for a high school district or a common school district within a high school district that does not offer instruction in high school subjects as provided in section 15-447 is $1.6549 $1.5930 and for a unified school district, a common school district not within a high school district or a common school district within a high school district that offers instruction in high school subjects as provided in section 15-447 is $3.3098 $3.1860END_STATUTE

Sec. 11. Laws 2023, chapter 142, section 12 is amended to read:

Sec. 12. Arizona civics education and leadership development program; instructional service providers; requirements; reporting requirements; fund; exemption; delayed repeal; transfer of monies

A. In fiscal year 2023-2024, The department of education shall establish and administer the Arizona civics education and leadership development program to provide civics education and leadership development training to middle school and high school students in this state.

B. The department of education shall develop procedures for eligible nonprofit organizations to apply to participate in the Arizona civics education and leadership development program in fiscal year 2023-2024. The department may approve an application if the eligible nonprofit organization meets all of the following:

1. Is a nonprofit organization that is exempt from taxation under section 501(c)(3) of the internal revenue code.

2. Provides American civics education and leadership development training to students who are at least ten years of age.

3. Advances the principles of a democratic republic through multigenerational civics education, civil discourse and civic engagement.

4. Can provide American civics education and leadership development training to middle school or high school students in this state. The education and training must do all of the following:

(a) Promote civil service and civic engagement.

(b) Prepare students for the duties of citizenship.

(c) Provide opportunities to identify and debate issues relating to a democratic republic.

(d) Include education and training on any of the following:

(i) The history of the United States of America, the United States Constitution and the Bill of Rights.

(ii) The Declaration of Independence.

(iii) The composition and roles of the branches of local, state and federal government.

(iv) The roles and responsibilities of citizens in a democratic republic, including the importance of civil discourse.

(v) The positive benefits for citizens in a democratic republic in contrast to other forms of government.

(e) Include education and training on the original intent of the founding documents and principles of the United States as found in source documents, including the United States Constitution and amendments to the United States Constitution, with emphasis on the Bill of Rights, and the arguments presented in the federalist papers.

5. Submits a copy of the curriculum and all course materials, including instructor manuals, as part of the application.

C. On or before June 30, 2024, each eligible nonprofit organization that is approved to participate in the program pursuant to subsection B of this section shall submit a report to the department of education that describes the following with respect to the Arizona civics education and leadership development program:

1. The number and types of activities conducted.

2. The number of students served.

3. The outcomes achieved.

D. The department of education shall compile the reports that it receives pursuant to subsection C of this section and submit the compiled reports to the governor, the president of the senate and the speaker of the house of representatives and shall submit a copy of the compiled reports to the secretary of state.

E. The Arizona civics education and leadership development fund is established consisting of legislative appropriations and gifts, grants and donations to the fund.  The department of education shall administer the fund and distribute monies from the fund to eligible nonprofit organizations that are approved to participate in the program pursuant to subsection B of this section.  Eligible nonprofit organizations shall use monies from the fund for stipends for civics leaders and counselors, wages for program staff, educational materials, food, beverages, clothing and transportation.  Monies in the fund are continuously appropriated and are exempt from the provisions of section 35-190, Arizona Revised Statutes, relating to lapsing of appropriations.

F. From and after June 30, 2025, this section is repealed and any unexpended or unencumbered monies in the Arizona civics education and leadership development fund established by this section are transferred to the state general fund.

Sec. 12. Laws 2023, chapter 142, section 13 is amended to read:

Sec. 13. Education and career action plans; early education and career exploration program; fund; annual report; exemption; delayed repeal; transfer of monies; definition

A. In fiscal year 2023-2024, The state board of education shall require public schools to:

1. Complete an Arizona education and career action plan for each student in grades nine through twelve before the student's graduation. 

2. Monitor, review and update each Arizona education and career action plan created pursuant to paragraph 1 of this subsection at least one time per year.

B. In fiscal year 2023-2024, The department of education shall establish and administer an early education and career exploration program to provide resources to public schools and to assist public schools in fulfilling the requirements prescribed by the state board of education pursuant to subsection A of this section.

C. Subject to available monies, the department of education shall contract with a nonprofit entity to provide the following to public schools in fiscal year 2023-2024:

1. A career mapping tool that does all of the following:

(a) Matches students with apprenticeships, internships and other work-based learning opportunities.

(b) Provides content modules for industry-recognized career tracks.

(c) Provides single-sign-on access for students, parents and employees of the public school.

(d) Provides customization options for public schools.

(e) Allows students to continue accessing their profiles and using the career mapping tool after graduation from high school.

(f) Provides any other educational or career exploration activities or content developed by the department of education and approved by the state board of education.

2. Training and resources for individuals who are implementing the requirements prescribed by the state board of education pursuant to subsection A of this section. 

D. The department of education shall coordinate with the nonprofit entity to provide the training and resources described in subsection C, paragraph 2 of this section in fiscal year 2023-2024.  The department of education shall consider the enrollment size of each public school when determining what training to provide pursuant to this section.

E. In fiscal year 2023-2024, The department of education may provide access to the career mapping tool and related training and resources described in subsection C of this section to a public school that serves any of grades six through eight. This subsection does not require a public school to complete, monitor, review or update an Arizona education and career action plan for students in any of grades six through eight. 

F. The early education and career exploration program fund is established consisting of legislative appropriations.  The department of education shall administer the fund.  Monies in the fund are continuously appropriated and are exempt from the provisions of section 35-190, Arizona Revised Statutes, relating to lapsing of appropriations. Monies in the fund may be used for implementing and administering the early education and career exploration program established pursuant to subsection B of this section.

G. On or before June 30, 2024, the department of education shall submit a report to the governor, the president of the senate and the speaker of the house of representatives and provide copies of this report to the secretary of state, the chairperson of the senate committee on education, or its successor committee, and the chairperson of the house of representatives committee on education, or its successor committee.  The report shall include the following:

1. An overview of the implementation of the early education and career exploration program established by this act, including:

(a) How monies from the early education and career exploration program fund were allocated.

(b) The number of work-based learning opportunities that were created through the early education and career exploration program.

(c) The number and grade levels of students who used the career mapping tool provided pursuant to subsection C, paragraph 1 of this section.

2. The department of education's recommendations that the early education and career exploration program be continued, revised or repealed.

3. Written comments received from members of the public regarding individuals' experiences with the early education and career exploration program. 

H. From and after June 30, 2025, this section is repealed and any unexpended or unencumbered monies in the early education and career exploration program fund established by this section are transferred to the state general fund.

H. I. For the purposes of this section, "public school" means a school district, a charter school, an individual school that is operated by a school district or the Arizona state schools for the deaf and the blind.

Sec. 13. Repeal

Laws 2023, chapter 142, sections 16 and 17 are repealed.

Sec. 14. Failing schools tutoring fund; use of monies; fiscal year 2024-2025

Notwithstanding section 15-241, Arizona Revised Statutes, the department of education may use monies in the failing schools tutoring fund established by section 15-241, Arizona Revised Statutes, in fiscal year 2024-2025 for the following school improvements:

1. To provide assistance to school districts and charter schools for professional development and coaching for teachers and principals.

2. To monitor the progress of school districts and charter schools towards improved academic outcomes.

3. Outreach to ensure that schools and parents have access to tutoring opportunities.

Sec. 15. Telecommunication fund for the deaf; use of monies; fiscal year 2024-2025

Notwithstanding section 36-1947, Arizona Revised Statutes, in fiscal year 2024-2025, the Arizona state schools for the deaf and the blind may use monies appropriated from the telecommunication fund for the deaf established by section 36-1947, Arizona Revised Statutes, for educational and operational costs of the Arizona state schools for the deaf and the blind.

Sec. 16. Intent

The governor and the legislature intend that school districts increase the total percentage of classroom spending over the previous year's percentages in the combined categories of instruction, student support and instructional support as prescribed by the auditor general.