REFERENCE TITLE: seriously mentally ill; discharge; medications





State of Arizona


Fifty-sixth Legislature

Second Regular Session





SB 1595


Introduced by

Senator Wadsack:  Representatives Hernandez C, Jones









An Act


amending title 36, chapter 4, article 2, Arizona Revised Statutes, by adding section 36-425.10; relating to health care institutions.





Be it enacted by the Legislature of the State of Arizona:

Section 1. Title 36, chapter 4, article 2, Arizona Revised Statutes, is amended by adding section 36-425.10, to read:

START_STATUTE36-425.10. Patients with serious mental illness; transfer or discharge; medications; documentation

If a patient with a serious mental illness is transferred or discharged from a health care institution to another health care institution, residential placement or group home, the health care institution that is transferring or discharging the patient shall provide to the patient a thirty-day supply of all medications, both prescription and over-the-counter, the patient was given in the previous ten days that are ongoing or to be taken as needed.  Each medication must include clear documented instructions that are signed by the patient or the patient's parent or guardian, the discharge team and the intake team. END_STATUTE