REFERENCE TITLE: municipal attainable housing; development |
State of Arizona House of Representatives Fifty-seventh Legislature First Regular Session 2025
HB 2595 |
Introduced by Representative Blackman
repealing section 9-461.16, arizona revised statutes; amending title 9, chapter 4, article 6, arizona revised statutes, by adding a new section 9-461.16; relating to municipal planning.
Be it enacted by the Legislature of the State of Arizona:
Section 1. Repeal
Section 9-461.16, Arizona Revised Statutes, is repealed.
Sec. 2. Title 9, chapter 4, article 6, Arizona Revised Statutes, is amended by adding a new section 9-461.16, to read:
9-461.16. Incentivized municipal housing development; definition
A. A city or town may adopt a land use regulation or general or specific plan provision or impose a condition for approving a building use permit or a requirement or fee for new multifamily housing construction that ensures that a maximum of twenty percent of new units meet the lease price for attainable residential housing for a period of up to twenty years.
B. A city or town may only adopt regulations, provisions or conditions pursuant to subsection a of this section for new multifamily housing projects that have at least twenty units.
C. If a city or town adopts regulations, provisions or conditions for the construction of attainable residential housing pursuant to subsection a of this section, the city or town shall also offer incentives to mitigate cost impacts to project developers. The incentives may include any of the following:
1. Density bonuses.
2. Reduced or waived permitting fees.
3. Expedited permitting processes.
D. In lieu of adopting a land use regulation or general or specific plan provision or imposing a condition for approving a building use permit based on the percentage of attainable residential housing for a project, a city or town may condition permits on contributions to state, county or municipal funds to create attainable residential housing within the city or town.
E. For the purposes of this section, "attainable residential housing" means new multifamily residential developments for a household with an income equal to or lower than one hundred twenty percent of the median family income for the county in which the housing is built.