REFERENCE TITLE: technical correction; instruction; deaf; blind |
State of Arizona Senate Fifty-seventh Legislature First Regular Session 2025
SB 1728 |
Introduced by Senator Werner
An Act
amending section 15-1341, Arizona Revised Statutes; relating to the arizona state schools for the deaf and blind.
Be it enacted by the Legislature of the State of Arizona:
Section 1. Section 15-1341, Arizona Revised Statutes, is amended to read:
15-1341. Instruction of pupils
A. The board of directors shall see that all persons admitted to the school are taught and trained by methods which that are to their best interests.
B. The board shall ensure the careful supervision of the care, education and development of pupils to insure ensure that the best care and education known to modern science is are given, as nearly as is practicable, and that the best methods of teaching the individuals with sensory impaired impairments are used in the school.
C. The board shall give special attention to the methods of care, education and development of the persons who are admitted, with particular consideration of the humanitarian aspects of their education.
D. The board, if advisable in particular cases, may allow pupils to remain at the school during the entire year.