Fifty-seventh Legislature

First Regular Session

House: TI DP 7-0-0-0

HB 2009: vehicle license tax; exemption; military

Sponsor: Representative Carter P, LD 4

House Engrossed


Expands vehicle license tax (VLT) and registration fee exemption for members of the United States armed forces to include members who have valid orders and are within 30 days of deployment. Permits refund of registration fees and VLTs if a member was on active military duty.


The vehicle tax and registration fee exemption applies to members of the United States armed forces who are deployed, the member's spouse or the member's legally designated representative. Members are not entitled to a refund but may apply registration fees and VLTs paid to the next registration period. The fee exemption may be taken from the member's time of deployment until one year after military discharge (A.R.S. § 28-5811).

The registering officer is prohibited from collecting a VLT or registration fee from any veteran residing in this state (A.R.S. § 28-5802).

The VLT rate is done at the time of application for registration each year of a vehicle and is imposed by the Constitution of Arizona (A.R.S. § 28-5801).


1.   Permits an Arizona resident who is a member of the United States armed forces who has valid orders and is within 30 days of deployment to register or renew the registration of a motor vehicle without payment of registration fees and the VLT. (Sec. 1)

2.   Allows for refund of registration fees and VLTs if paid during the time the member of the United States armed forces was on active military duty, rather than the registration fees and VLTs being paid for the next registration period. (Sec. 1)

3.   Contains a retroactivity clause of six months before the effective date. (Sec 2.)

4.   Makes a technical change. (Sec. 1)



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