ARIZONA HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVESFifty-seventh Legislature First Regular Session |
House: GOV DPA 4-3-0-0 |
HB 2113: flags; public property; prohibition
Sponsor: Representative Kupper, LD 25
House Engrossed
Restricts the types of flags that can be flown on public property by people elected, appointed or employed by the state or it's political subdivisions.
The Federal Flag Code instructs when it is appropriate to display a flag, how it should be displayed and how to properly respect it. Flags should be displayed only from sunrise to sunset unless properly illuminated at night, should not be flown during inclement weather and no other flag or pennant can fly above the American flag (4 U.S.C. ยง 4, et seq.).
1. Prohibits flags from being flown on public property unless it is one of the following:
a) an American flag in accordance with the requirements established by the Federal Flag Code;
b) an official or replica flag of the uniformed services in accordance with the requirements established by the Federal Flag Code;
c) the POW/MIA flag;
d) the Honor and Remember flag;
e) the Arizona State flag;
f) an Arizona Indian Nations flag;
g) a first responder flag or one that incorporates elements of multiple first responder flags;
h) a Blue Star Service Flag or a Gold Star Service Flag;
i) any historic version of the American Flag; or
j) any official flag of a public body or a public educational institution. (Sec. 1)
2. Applies this measure only to people elected, appointed or employed by a public body or public educational institution while they are engaged in an official capacity. (Sec. 1)
3. Clarifies the measure does not prohibit approved educational curricula or deny civil and political liberties defined by the United States and Arizona constitutions. (Sec.1)
4. Defines public body and public educational institution. (Sec. 1)
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