ARIZONA HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVESFifty-seventh Legislature First Regular Session |
House: GOV W/D | APPROP DP 11-5-2-0 |
HB 2191: religious institutions; development; allowed use
Sponsor: Representative Livingston, LD 28
House Engrossed
Allows eligible sites to be designated as an allowed use development subject to specified requirements and restrictions.
A municipal general plan consists of a statement of community goals and development policies, and includes maps, diagrams and text setting forth the objectives of the plan proposal (A.R.S. § 9-461.05).
A county planning and zoning commission must formulate, and the Board of Supervisors must adopt a development plan. The plan shows the commission's recommendations for the development of the area and must be made with the purpose of guiding and accomplishing a coordinated development of the area to the present and future needs of the county (A.R.S. § 11-804).
1. Designates, regardless of local zoning ordinances, religious institutions located in an area zoned as single-family residential housing development as of July 1, 2025, on an eligible site as an allowed use development, if:
a) It is not within 75 feet of a neighboring site;
b) It has at least one parking space per unit or meets municipal or county zoning requirements for parking, whichever is less;
c) It meets all local regulations for water and sewer access;
d) The eligible site that as of January 1, 2025, has been owned by a religious institution for at least 15 consecutive years and primarily used for religious worship;
e) Classified as tax-exempt and will continue to be owned and maintained by the religious institution;
a) It is not more than 30 feet and two full floors;
b) It is within 150 feet of the boundary of an area zoned for single-family residential use; and
c) The eligible site is not located within half a mile of heavy industrial use, an airport or a military base. (Sec. 1, 2)
2. Establishes specified height, minimum setback and greatest maximum lot coverage requirements for an allowed use development on an eligible site. (Sec. 1, 2)
3. Establishes a maximum density bonus for an allowed use development on an eligible site. (Sec. 1, 2)
4. Requires an allowed use development on an eligible site to be subject to a validly executed land trust agreement and establishes specified criteria that must be included. (Sec. 1, 2)
5. Requires an allowed use development on an eligible site to be subject to a validly executed ground lease agreement and establishes specified criteria that must be included. (Sec. 1, 2)
6. Instructs a religious institution that allows for development on an eligible site to notify in writing all residential neighborhoods located within half a mile of the religious institution. (Sec. 1, 2)
7. Requires the religious institution to conduct a community meeting to receive feedback from residential neighborhoods located within half a mile of the religious institution. (Sec. 1, 2)
8. Exempts certain lands, including land zoned for industrial use and land in areas designated as historic by a local government. (Sec. 1, 2)
9. Defines eligible site, facing site, ground lease, neighboring site, religious institution and single family residential. (Sec. 1, 2)
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13. HB 2191
14. Initials JH Page 0 House Engrossed
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