Assigned to HHS & APPROP                                                                             AS PASSED BY COMMITTEE






Fifty-Seventh Legislature, First Regular Session





temporary assistance; child only case


Expands the definition of child only case, for purposes of Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) Cash Assistance eligibility, to include cases in which an eligible dependent child is living with a nonparent relative that is both responsible for meeting the basic needs of the child and is not receiving Cash Assistance.


The Department of Economic Security (DES) administers the TANF Cash Assistance Program to provide temporary cash benefits and supportive services to Arizona children and families. To be eligible for Cash Assistance, a family's net monthly income cannot exceed: 1) 130 percent of the current federal poverty level (FPL) for families in which the head-of-household is a nonparent relative requesting Cash Assistance only for the dependent children; or 2) 100 percent of the current FPL for all other families. However, these income limitations do not apply to child only cases, and instead only the income of the dependent child is considered (A.R.S. § 46-292; A.A.C. R6-12-701). A family receiving Cash Assistance for themselves or on behalf of a dependent child is limited to 12 months of benefits, with certain exceptions. This 12-month time limit on Cash Assistance does not apply to child only cases (A.R.S. § 46-294).

A child only case is a case in which an eligible dependent child is in the legal custody of the Department of Child Safety, a tribal court or a tribal child welfare agency in Arizona and placed in foster care with an unrelated adult or a nonparent relative who is not receiving Cash Assistance (A.R.S. § 46-101).

If there is a cost associated with expanding the number of child only cases qualified for Cash Assistance, there may be a fiscal impact to the state General Fund.


1.   Expands the definition of child only case, for purposes of Cash Assistance eligibility, to include cases in which an eligible dependent child is living with a nonparent relative that is both responsible for meeting the basic needs of the child and is not receiving Cash Assistance.

2. Specifies that a child only case benefit amount is based on available monies as determined by DES.

3.   Makes conforming changes.

4.   Becomes effective on the general effective date.


Amendments Adopted by the Appropriations Committee

· Makes conforming changes.

Senate Action

HHS                2/19/25      DP             7-0-0

APPROP         2/25/25      DPA          10-0-0

Prepared by Senate Research

February 26, 2025
