Assigned to RAGE                                                                                                                  FOR COMMITTEE






Fifty-Seventh Legislature, First Regular Session


FACT SHEET FOR h.b. 2145


registered sanitarians; qualifications


Modifies the eligibility requirements for registration as a sanitarian.


The Arizona Sanitarians' Council (Council) establishes standards for persons employed as sanitarians and provides for the examination of applicants for registration as sanitarians. A sanitarian is a person who by education or experience in the physical, biological and sanitary sciences is qualified to carry out educational, investigational and technical duties in the field of environmental health. Registered sanitarian duties include: 1) investigating, sampling, measuring and assessing hazardous environmental agents; 2) recommending and applying protective interventions that control hazards to health; 3) developing, promoting, and enforcing guidelines, polices, rules, statutes, and regulation; 4) performing system analysis; 5) interpreting research utilizing science and evidence to understand the relationship between health and environment; and 6) interpreting data and preparing technical summaries and reports (A.R.S. § 36-136.01 and A.A.C. R9-16-402).

An applicant is eligible for registration as a sanitarian if the applicant meets at least one of the following qualifications: 1) has completed five years of employment as a sanitarian aide in either a recognized public health agency or private industry in a position directly related to environmental health; 2) has satisfactorily completed at least five years of full-time military duty in the field of environmental health; or 3) has successfully completed 30 semester hours of credit at an accredited college or university in the natural sciences (A.R.S. § 36-136.01).

There is no anticipated fiscal impact to the state General Fund associated with this legislation.


1.   Specifies that an applicant is eligible for registration as a sanitarian if the applicant meets at least one of the following qualifications:

a)   has completed three, rather than five, years of employment as a sanitarian aide in either a recognized public health agency or private industry in a position directly related to environmental health;

b)   has satisfactorily completed at least three, rather than five, years of full-time military duty in the field of environmental health;

c)   has successfully completed 30 semester hours of credit at an accredited college or university in subjects relevant to the role of sanitarian, including 22 semester hours in the natural sciences, as approved by the Council, rather than 30 semester hours of credit at an accredited college or university in the natural sciences.

2.   Makes technical changes.

3.   Becomes effective on the general effective date.

House Action

ST                    2/12/25      DP       9-0-0-0

3rd Read          2/25/25                  60-0-0


Prepared by Senate Research

March 10, 2025
