The Arizona Revised Statutes have been updated to include the revised sections from the 56th Legislature, 1st Regular Session. Please note that the next update of this compilation will not take place until after the conclusion of the 56th Legislature, 2nd Regular Session, which convenes in January 2024.
This online version of the Arizona Revised Statutes is primarily maintained for legislative drafting purposes and reflects the version of law that is effective on January 1st of the year following the most recent legislative session. The official version of the Arizona Revised Statutes is published by Thomson Reuters.
36-425. Inspections; issuance of license; posting requirements; provisional license; denial of license
A. On receipt of a properly completed application for a health care institution license, the director shall conduct an inspection of the health care institution as prescribed by this chapter. If an application for a license is submitted due to a planned change of ownership, the director shall determine the need for an inspection of the health care institution. Based on the results of the inspection and after the submission of the applicable licensing fee, the director shall either deny the license or issue a regular or provisional license. A license issued by the department shall be posted in a conspicuous location in the reception area of that health care institution.
B. The director shall issue a license if the director determines that an applicant and the health care institution for which the license is sought substantially comply with the requirements of this chapter and rules adopted pursuant to this chapter and the applicant agrees to carry out a plan acceptable to the director to eliminate any deficiencies. The director shall not require a health care institution that was designated as a critical access hospital to make any modifications required by this chapter or rules adopted pursuant to this chapter in order to obtain an amended license with the same licensed capacity the health care institution had before it was designated as a critical access hospital if all of the following are true:
1. The health care institution has subsequently terminated its critical access hospital designation.
2. The licensed capacity of the health care institution does not exceed its licensed capacity before its designation as a critical access hospital.
3. The health care institution remains in compliance with the applicable codes and standards that were in effect at the time the facility was originally licensed with the higher licensed capacity.
C. A health care institution license does not expire and remains valid unless:
1. The department subsequently revokes or suspends the license.
2. The license is considered void because the licensee did not pay the licensing fee, civil penalties or provider agreement fees before the relevant due date or did not enter into an agreement with the department before the relevant due date to pay all outstanding fees or civil penalties.
D. Except as provided in section 36-424, subsection B and subsection E of this section, the department shall conduct a compliance inspection of a health care institution to determine compliance with this chapter and rules adopted pursuant to this chapter at least once annually.
E. If the department determines a facility, except for a residential care institution or a nursing care institution that does not have the same direct owner or indirect owner as a hospital licensed pursuant to this chapter, to be deficiency free on a compliance survey, the department shall not conduct a compliance survey of that facility for twenty-four months after the date of the deficiency free survey. This subsection does not prohibit the department from enforcing licensing requirements as authorized by section 36-424.
F. A hospital licensed as a rural general hospital may provide intensive care services.
G. The director shall issue a provisional license for a period of not more than one year if an inspection or investigation of a currently licensed health care institution or a health care institution for which an applicant is seeking a license reveals that the health care institution is not in substantial compliance with department licensure requirements and the director believes that the immediate interests of the patients and the general public are best served if the health care institution is given an opportunity to correct deficiencies. The applicant or licensee shall agree to carry out a plan to eliminate deficiencies that is acceptable to the director. The director shall not issue consecutive provisional licenses to a single health care institution. The director shall not issue a license to the current licensee or a successor applicant before the expiration of the provisional license unless the health care institution submits an application for a substantial compliance survey and is found to be in substantial compliance. The director may issue a license only if the director determines that the health care institution is in substantial compliance with the licensure requirements of the department and this chapter. This subsection does not prevent the director from taking action to protect the safety of patients pursuant to section 36-427.
H. Subject to the confidentiality requirements of articles 4 and 5 of this chapter, title 12, chapter 13, article 7.1 and section 12-2235, the licensee shall keep current department inspection reports at the health care institution. Unless federal law requires otherwise, the licensee shall post in a conspicuous location a notice that identifies the location at that health care institution where the inspection reports are available for review.
I. A health care institution shall immediately notify the department in writing when there is a change of the chief administrative officer specified in section 36-422, subsection A, paragraph 1, subdivision (g).
J. When the department issues an original license or an original provisional license to a health care institution, it shall notify the owners and lessees of any agricultural land within one-fourth mile of the health care institution. The health care institution shall provide the department with the names and addresses of owners or lessees of agricultural land within one-fourth mile of the proposed health care institution.
K. In addition to the grounds for denial of licensure prescribed pursuant to subsection A of this section, the director may deny a license because an applicant or anyone in a business relationship with the applicant, including stockholders and controlling persons, has had a license to operate a health care institution denied, revoked or suspended or a license or certificate issued by a health profession regulatory board pursuant to title 32 or issued by a state agency pursuant to chapter 6, article 7 or chapter 17 of this title denied, revoked or suspended or has a licensing history of recent serious violations occurring in this state or in another state that posed a direct risk to the life, health or safety of patients or residents.
L. In addition to the requirements of this chapter, the director may prescribe by rule other licensure requirements.