The Arizona Revised Statutes have been updated to include the revised sections from the 56th Legislature, 1st Regular Session. Please note that the next update of this compilation will not take place until after the conclusion of the 56th Legislature, 2nd Regular Session, which convenes in January 2024.
This online version of the Arizona Revised Statutes is primarily maintained for legislative drafting purposes and reflects the version of law that is effective on January 1st of the year following the most recent legislative session. The official version of the Arizona Revised Statutes is published by Thomson Reuters.
41-5303. Powers and duties
A. The director shall:
1. Monitor this state's tax and regulatory competitiveness by benchmarking this state against competitor states and municipalities, including implementing a systematic data collection and analysis process to evaluate tax and regulatory costs to businesses imposed by this state and municipalities of this state in relation to other states and municipalities.
2. Serve as this state's workforce planning coordinator, provide staffing support to the workforce Arizona council, provide stewardship of the state workforce data evaluation system, provide economic and demographic research and analysis, including constitutionally required population estimates, provide employment and unemployment estimates and develop labor market information for the development of the state workforce strategy.
3. Provide office and meeting space, administrative support and analytical support to the Arizona finance authority and coordinate with the Arizona finance authority director to incorporate finance market intelligence in economic development strategy and policy recommendations.
4. Develop data-informed policy and regulatory reform recommendations and provide assistance with state tax and regulatory matters, including the development and analysis of proposed rules and regulations and the projected cost on employers relating to those rules and regulations.
5. Provide analytical support to the Arizona commerce authority in its business recruitment, growth and retention strategies.
6. Provide analytical support to the Arizona commerce authority, the Arizona-Mexico commission in the governor's office and the office of tourism in their state marketing strategies.
B. The director may:
1. Contract and incur obligations that are reasonably necessary or desirable within the general scope of the office's activities and operations to enable the office to adequately perform its duties.
2. Use monies, facilities or services to provide matching contributions under federal or other programs that further the objectives and programs of the office.
3. Accept gifts, grants, matching monies or direct payments from public or private agencies or private persons and enterprises for the conduct of programs that are consistent with the general purposes and objectives of this chapter.